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  1. N

    GOING NC.. Really need some advice

    Savaris, I know your upset but you got to think of yourself as you are more important than her or what she's thinking. Sounds cliche but improve yourself everyday and you will see things will come to you! You are the priZe and not her! Let her be! If you keep improving your life then you won't...
  2. N

    Life after a Border Line Personality Disorder Fiance??

    Anyone have success stories of getting over a bpd?
  3. N

    Life after a Border Line Personality Disorder Fiance??

    I know just over it and fed up...I've been improving myself day to day and making my self proud of myself if that makes sense. In the space of these years here is some of the things that she has done to me which has made me realized that she is a bpd also: 1. Pulled a knife to my throat after...
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    Life after a Border Line Personality Disorder Fiance??

    Is it possible to be over it or fed up with it so quickly? Becoz my progress And ppl around me say that I'm recovering really quickly... I just hope that I'm Not ignoring my feelings...
  5. N

    Life after a Border Line Personality Disorder Fiance??

    Hi All, First time here and just wanted to give you abit of a story and need help rebuilding my life....This is the shorten version I first met my BPD over 10 years ago and since then we have an off and on relationship during this whole period. Numerous (around 6) break ups (all by her of...