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  1. F

    Not sure if I got rejected or not

    This is a lot harder than it looks. Every time I see this girl we are surrounded by other employees or customers. We can't even have a conversation. Do I just have to man up and get her number in front of a customer? Any idea's?
  2. F

    Not sure if I got rejected or not

    Thanks, I am going to the next time I see her at work. I am not worried about advancing things once we get out, just finding the right opportunity at work to ask her out / for her number. When I run into her, she is usually around customers so it's awkward.
  3. F

    Not sure if I got rejected or not

    By weeks I mean a few encounters. I work two shifts a week. It's a part time job like I mentioned and so does she as far as my knowledge. So, I saw her like 2-3 times during that "weeks" period. And we do not work in the same department. When I see her, it is for 2-3 minutes at a time, a few...
  4. F

    Not sure if I got rejected or not

    Veux-tu sortir avec moi .. Possible it was butchered. Assuming it was and wasn't: She has continued her flirtatious behavior. How do I proceed? How quickly do I ask for her number, in English this time? If she did reject me, I doubt she would openly flirt with me like that post the...
  5. F

    Not sure if I got rejected or not

    It's possible it was butchered, but I am not sure. Her response made it seem like I said it correctly. She turned red and looked in shock. I am not sure, consider both perspectives for that response, how do I proceed?
  6. F

    Not sure if I got rejected or not

    I work part time at a large store, this isn't a serious job, dating within the store happens and is allowed. (before everyone says - don't **** where you eat) For a while I was pretty reserved at this job with the people outside of my department. Just because of the drama possibly involved...
  7. F

    If a chick you casually fvck lets you go bareback

    You are 33 years old? Where in that did I give advice? I simply stated what I do in MY life.
  8. F

    If a chick you casually fvck lets you go bareback

    I've "slayed" four different girls. A new one every month since losing my virginity. I've become pretty good at sex I think too. Thanks to this fvck buddy and me being in sort of a relationship. My username will never matter more. I seriously will not fvck a chick if she forces me to use a...
  9. F

    If a chick you casually fvck lets you go bareback

    Can you answer the original question?
  10. F

    If a chick you casually fvck lets you go bareback

    Probably a dumb question, but.. I am casually banging this girl who lets me put it in bareback everytime. She doesn't even mention condoms. Is this a sign of trust? (I've gotten tested)
  11. F

    Called her out on her BS.. Did I screw up?

    Slept with her last night. :eek: :eek: I don't even know how it happened. I went out to a local bar with some friends. She randomly shows up with a few of her friends. Starts talking to me and after I had probably 3 too many offers to share a cab. I say okay. She looked much better than...
  12. F

    Called her out on her BS.. Did I screw up?

    This drama officially ended today. Kind of a funny story, before I get to what happened today. But, about 10 days or so ago, when I went really cold and totally stopped replying to her texts/calls. I was out at the bar with some people. My sister was also there. I had a hot date this night...
  13. F

    Called her out on her BS.. Did I screw up?

    No I didn't know. Once I found out he was back around I basically went really cold. Eh, I am struggling now. I saw her tonight and everytime this girl smiles at me, I fvcking melt inside like a pvssy. I wish I could explain it. I'll probably end up saying something very AFC to her on the...
  14. F

    Called her out on her BS.. Did I screw up?

    Yeah, I am avoiding contact with her. She called me earlier, I rejected the call. No voicemail / text. I think she is getting the picture. I have to see her tonight though for a class. Should be interesting.
  15. F

    Called her out on her BS.. Did I screw up?

    Do you think I should tell her this just to fk with her head?
  16. F

    Called her out on her BS.. Did I screw up?

    ty for the advice/encouragement/motivation bukowski + Lucifero as well as the others. I went out last night with a few close friends. Was having a crappy night. Just really no girls at the club that caught my fancy at all. Made me think of the drama queen a bit. I was about to call it a night...
  17. F

    Called her out on her BS.. Did I screw up?

    Honestly, I am more confused everyday. I am attracted to her physically to the point I can’t help myself when I am with her. I can’t even describe it. You should see how this girl looks at me, it’s almost sad, like I am God or something. I remember a few weeks ago we went out to a club and she...
  18. F

    Called her out on her BS.. Did I screw up?

    This girl is a trip man. It's becoming surreal. The other day, after I had ignored a few texts, she starts calling me around 10pm. I ignore the first two times. Decided to pick up the 3rd time, I don't know why. I answer the phone, she says: "Ryan! Please just give me two minutes to...
  19. F

    Called her out on her BS.. Did I screw up?

    Thanks. Yeah, I know I did the right thing. It still hurts like a mother fvcker though. Just makes me sick at the things she told me only to run back to her ex so quickly. I am hurting, but slowly getting over it. I miss her, but then I think about how disgusting her actions are and it...
  20. F

    Called her out on her BS.. Did I screw up?

    She texted me earlier today asking a question about a class assignment. Probably just wanted to see if I would respond. Looks like she is going to have to email the professor (who doesn't reply to emails) :crackup: Thanks for the encouragement boys.