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  1. N

    Holy shyt, girlfriend's dad just busted in her apartment and threatened to kill me

    File restraining order. if he ever shows at at your place again acting a fool beat the living **** out of him. (Not infront of the girl if possible lol)
  2. N

    "This date is going to be purely platonic, right???"

    sounds like a waste of time But if you go out together after that, you must must make her pay for her own **** at the very least.
  3. N

    Easiest thing ever (OKC Pickup)

    my thoughts exactly, since i was in complete control of the convo for the most part we only talked about travel since i was at the airport texting her and it seemed relevant. When i get back in town i'll hit her up. OKC is much more "girl friendly" than POF imo. Its got like interactive rating...
  4. N

    Everyday Struggle

    Already smashed twice? Just go see her weds imo.
  5. N

    Easiest thing ever (OKC Pickup)

    So I made an OKC profile last week and in a matter of 2 hours I somehow ended up simultaneously talking to 3 different girls, why have I not tried this sooner is beyond me. So Im sitting there finishing up my profile and when a couple girls visit, while they don't appear to be anything over a...
  6. N

    Chicago role call

    it wont let me pm you but consider me in.
  7. N

    Chicago role call

    Im 21 and live in Michigan City (Indiana) its easy for me to take the train up to chi to have a good time with people who have similar interests. I'm still pretty new to this and it would be amazing to find a mentor type guy out there to chill with and learn from. Hit me up.