Search results

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    MILF's-specific way of attracting them online?

    hey fellas, i'm 40 and getting ready for some online dating using DD's methods. my question is this: for all of you that have done or currently using online sites to meet the ladies, do you find yourself using a different approach based on age? i mean, is there stuff you can get away with if...
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    david deangelo

    is he good or what? i'm thinking of buying his ebook, but there's so many out gurus out there..kind of hard to choose.
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    what's the best dating site..?

    thinking about starting the online thing, but want to know what is the best online site and where have most of you, who do the online thang, have had the most success? :cool:
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    Online dating prospect

    if a woman posts like over a dozen pictures of herself on a online dating site does that mean she's bit desparate? i was on match the other day and i swear i saw a woman with about 25 pictures of herself..
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    GF taking a term abroad - can i sleep with other women?

    unless you've had the discussion about seeing other people, you better just lay low, brother. you'll feel a sack of crap if you cheat..and once it happens there won't be just a single event either. you'll be rationalizing your ass off by doing it over and over again..