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  1. S

    Learn the play the guitar!

    that is the largest stereotype of them all. I suppose you justify your statement because the traditional bass "has only 4 strings" and that makes it easier? Or perhaps because you listen to this new "hip hop" crap that has 3-note bass lines? Or maybe you said it out of blind ignorance? I...
  2. S

    Learn the play the guitar!

    Make that 4 bassists. Playing gigs at local clubs lands me a fair share of #'s... (I get plenty more than our lead player) It's still being debated wether or not bass attracts more women than 6-string... schizo
  3. S

    Milk vs. Water vs. Supplement

    This may sound outright and dumb, but I'm curious. Is drinking water essentially more beneficial to building a better physique than milk? I'm not a super big person by any regards (5'11 165lbs 10%bf) however I've been considering trying a "protein" supplement to see if the gains are really worth...