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  1. V

    Analyze a friend of mine. (convo's included)

    ill fix the cencership for ya his myspace reads "I'm an A-hole" in uncencored way in big bold letters :crackup:
  2. V

    Girls that genuenly want a nice guy?

    yes yes yes yes yes
  3. V

    Analyze a friend of mine. (convo's included)

    yep he does get results, im showing the online convo's because those are the items i can show, unlike phone convo's and actuall actions he gets girls to come over his appartment and cook for him, and whatever other favors he needs for in detail descirption i can get him to get an account...
  4. V

    Girls that genuenly want a nice guy?

    i love what i have started
  5. V

    Analyze a friend of mine. (convo's included)

    Well my friend is a DJ, or at least i say was a self taught DJ for the last year or so, but within the last months he went above the usual DJ stuff and got to a whole new level, now im not sure if its the right place to be at but it seems to be working for him, which im quite suprized about...
  6. V

    Girls that genuenly want a nice guy?

    which is why i started this thread how do you find out if this chick is one of them rare ones
  7. V

    Girls that genuenly want a nice guy?

    wow fantastic post because i see it all the time, a typicall non DJ guy, but not an AFC, who does not follow the DJ principles of being a "nice jerk" and playing around, genuenly expresses all the feelings to the girl, and she loves it, and them 2 usually make a great pair without game or...
  8. V

    Girls that genuenly want a nice guy?

    How do you figure out if this one is that one. Im sure some of you will argue, but what im saying that there are girls out there that genuenly (sp?) want a nice guy, not a complete door matt but just a nice guy who just does nice things all the time. I see those all the time So how do...
  9. V

    Being "cute", good or bad thing.

    Well i was more or less talking about the cute action, instead of the physical cute, more of things that make her go "awwww" Im still having doubts on this, being too nice is definatly AFC material, and i believe that being too cute (by doing cute actions) is also in the AFC category just...
  10. V

    Being "cute", good or bad thing.

    I have been thinking of this for a while, and debating on wheither its a bad or a good thing. I have been with this one girl for about a month, it all started with me being the "nice jerk" thanks to a "DJ" buddy of mine and the site, i got her interested and everything, but everytime i do...
  11. V

    What would make you drop a girl instantly

    interesting that some of you would drop her for some reason that could be temporary and or could be changed without giving her a second chance
  12. V

    What would make you drop a girl instantly

    This could get interesting, what are the characterists or facts about the girl that would make you drop her instantly and never call or see her again or at the very least make you really dislike her or think lower about her Off the top of my head Drop - Heavy drug addict - Uptight...
  13. V

    Times to care and be a DJ, and times to not?

    well, how many DJ's are in long term relationships? no pun, serious question because for example being a mystery, and doing small amount of talking is a way not to get into one from what i understand but then again im an amature at best
  14. V

    Times to care and be a DJ, and times to not?

    Well ill try to phrase this the best i can, but i'm not sure on how it will come out. I have been browsing this site, for around a year at this point, reading the bible and everything, applying tips in real life, well you get the point. I do all of the DJ stuff to girls i really dont care...