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    Too Many Plates?

    Alright so I'm a freshman college student, and I'm starting to wonder if I'm trying to balance too many plates. And by plates, I mean things other than women. For starters, I'm a first year engineering student, am currently on a club sports team which requires a decent amount of commitment...
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    Lift Off!: Chronicles of Development

    I'm pretty much in the same boat as you, Rocketship. My first semester started off excellent, then I sort of got content with the way things were going, and stopped working as hard. Getting mono didn't help :whistle: ... Anyway, This semester I've made a huge list of goals for myself, both...
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    Girl's say "They can't figure you out"?

    Alright just checking. ha I'll keep up the good work:rockon:
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    Girl's say "They can't figure you out"?

    Hi, I've been a reader periodically, but I've never really had much to post. Here's my question: I've had a few girls the past few days say that they "Can't quite figure me out", is this a good thing? I would like to think I act genuine, truthful, and that I am quite the gentleman at...