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  1. R

    Need advice on how to pull this off.

    OK, heres the update...she was over 2 days ago and I went to kiss her and she did not turn this time. We made out for close to an hour. The next day she tells me that its all she can think about. She keeps bringing it up when we talk. she also kept talking about her shirt smelled like me and it...
  2. R

    can someone let me downlad book of pook and mass seduction pdf.?

    Im not exactly sure what these are, but Im guessing I should probly have a copy for reference. Anyone willing to share or know where I can get a copy?
  3. R

    Need advice on how to pull this off.

    I thank you all for your responses its giving me alot to think about, Is there any reason to think that she would like to be with me but is doing the respectable thing and not cheating on him? and not just leaving him because she wants another? or maybe just is waiting to know for sure I am...
  4. R

    Need advice on how to pull this off.

    So I met this girl in one of my college classes about a month ago, I think shes one of the best women that I have chosen to spend my time with. She comes home with me and we sit in my room sometimes between classes, and tends to seek me out in places on campus she knows I will be. Yesterday she...
  5. R

    Girls night out !!! plz give me insight

    ok heres the update...the reason i cant go out with them is i have my kids that weekend and will be hanging out with them cause i dont get to see them much.I have hung out with her and her friend before and all went well and if i was able to go they would not have any problems with me going...
  6. R

    Situation w/ F buddy

    Sounds like she is playing the same game as you, so I would switch spots for a min and think " if it was the other way around how could she keep things the way they were?" I personally agree with Five To One, id just call and arrange something and see where that goes if its still good nothign...
  7. R

    Girls night out !!! plz give me insight

    I have been dating a girl for about 3 months now.She has moved me in and been helping me out since the loss of my job.things have been going pretty good till yesterday morning.She got a call form an old friend she used to get wild and go to the bars with and pick up guys together, long story...