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  1. M

    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    I am working at mcD and convenient for this task I was put in the lobby for both saturday and sunday, so i took it as a chance of atleast saying hi too lots of people and I did quite good, though I dont think I actully said hello to all the HBs necessary, girls yes but HBs only 1...
  2. M

    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    I made all hi's atleast and some comment about what one girl was talking about, but it was mostly too people who worked. but I found out it was really bad for me... was going out too a nice bar/club with my friend and when we was going home found out that I actully didnt talk too eny girl inside...
  3. M

    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    okey I'm nervous just entering the competition so probably need it:)