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  1. L

    Second time going out with a girl and she paid for the dinner... what is going on?

    This is the second time I went out with the girl I like. The first time we went out for lunch after class and I split the bill. 2 weeks later, I called her up to ask her out for dinner and she agreed. After the dinner, when the bill came she wanted to pay for it. I told her I will pay for...
  2. L

    Called a girl to ask her out for dinner on saturday, did it went well?

    I just called her and had a short conversation and it went well. I kept it sweet and short. She said she'll have to ask her relative if they have any family activity this weekend and will call me back tomorrow to let me know if there is a conflict ! When I first met and during out...
  3. L

    In the world of dating and courtship with multiple guys competing, how do you win?

    Basically, I went out to lunch with a girl I like on monday (we both a Chinese) and it turned out pretty well after all. She even gave me her phone number and asked me to call her. Obviously after reading the DJ bible, i didn't call her at all haha. She even msged me on MSN a few days later...
  4. L

    Read the bible, did everything I can, but God and Fate is not with me..please help me

    hi everyone, this is my first post and I am here to seek advice from the experienced members here. I am in a confused state on what to do: Went out with girl I like to lunch and it went well during the lunch. Later that night, she msged me on MSN and we chatted for a while. Because...