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  1. C

    Guys with money and women

    In all honesty... I think it's just how the game goes. How shallow are we to hit up a HB before considering her more-friendly yet less-attractive entourage? Like mrRuckus said... it's all about selection. We all want the best we can get... a girl will pick a rich guy over you unless you have...
  2. C

    If she's sincerely busy?

    Touche! But I was acting on instinct more than rationale. Good stuff. Thanks!
  3. C

    cologne suggestions

    Man.. I agree... cologne is a cool way to start talking to random people. My only advice is to pick one cologne and stick with it. I personally use Curve classic and in my circle it's known as my scent. I've had a bunch of girls tell me they were out at night... passed by a guy wearing...
  4. C

    If she's sincerely busy?

    Thanks seagull... any other takers? I'm kind of curious what this behavior means... if it all turns out to be a waste of time, I'd rather know what happened so I don't put myself in that position again.
  5. C

    If she's sincerely busy?

    Ok I need some advice, here. This girl I just met is definitely not the only one I'm seeing, but she's a hottie and I actually like what I saw of her. Anyway, after talking to her for a while I asked her if she wanted to go clubbing with me. She seemed enthused. I got her number... but then...