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  1. B

    GF admitted some of her past to me. Not good.

    I'm still here. I've developed feelings for her obviously and I should because we've been together for a few months. Obviously, I'm enjoying my time with her. Another detail I should probably disclose is that she has was engaged for a year. She learned a lot of lessons since that broken...
  2. B

    GF admitted some of her past to me. Not good.

    The ugly co-worker stuff happened in her mid-20's along with her morning after pill stuff. The threesome happened her freshmen year of college, along with the blackout drunk/possible rape. Her hooking up with some random dude at the bar happened near the beginning of our relationship, age...
  3. B

    GF admitted some of her past to me. Not good.

    GF and I have been dating for more than 6 months. Yesterday we were talking about sex partners, people we’ve been with, etc. Over the past month she dropped a few bombs on me that are making me reconsider our relationship. Yesterday she said the following which made me sick. She once...