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  1. J

    DJing for the Attractive Guy

    Be nice You have to be careful with ****y funny...Ive ****ed up and lost a few girls because i thought that being an ******* would make them like me...WRONG!!! If anything be a tease not an *******...2 steps forward one step back...
  2. J

    The Best Pick-Up Line EVER

  3. J

    Club vs. Street

    Hmmm...which one is more effective.....I have had more luck in clubs and bars than malls and grocery stores(etc.)...I take rejection a whole lot better in a club or bar for some reason vs. random places on the streets..has this been yalls experience
  4. J

    Field Report!!!

  5. J

    How to approach that "intimidating" woman...

    Good Point I think you have a very, very good point here....I will try this tommorrow...I have always said to myself that hey if Im going to meet somebody she has to be HOT.....but meeting unattractive girls is reallly good practice to warm up with...hmmmm
  6. J

    But I AM good looking...

    Damn...Im 6 foot 3 and 200lbs and about a 7 on looks and its still hard for me to get girls...I was wondering do you think that girls are intimidated by good looking guys or guys who are real tall.....I know this sounds stupid but what do you guys think...has this happened to anyone good...
  7. J

    Learning to dance--Any suggestions??

    you need to take that stuff made me the man when it comes to hip hop because salsa so complicated it makes hip hop dancing lool lie walk in the park....also salsa helps you with RYTHM big time.....
  8. J

    Do Cold Approaches REALLY work?

    Ok guys....we all talk about it and we all sweat about it ....but how effective is it really(cold approaches)....whats has your success ratio been and how many actually turned into dates or even girlfriends...
  9. J

    Approaching Hot Babes

    For some reason I can approach a level 5 or 6 babe ...but 7-10 are almost impossible to me...I was wondering what or some good TIPS TO BREAKING TO THE NEXT LEVEL and what have yourexperiences been with these 7-10 HB ....I was thinking about getting a wingman in which we could push each other to...