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  1. J

    What every skinny guy should know...

    Former skinny guy I have to say as a former skinny guy myself that packing on the pounds of muscle definitely helped to attract even more women to me than when I was skinny. I'm 28, 6'2", 210lbs now but I used to be 6'2" 160 when I was 18 or 19. Over the years my weight has fluctuated between...
  2. J

    Why do I feel this way about my gf? It cant be normal

    I usually just lay with her for a minute or two then i roll over the other way and pass out. Sometimes I just roll over and pass out. Either way i can't be next to her for too long or i get annoyed. I guess that's just the way it is for guys. My buddy is the same way with his wife.