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  1. D

    should I ask this girl out

    Hey Guys: I appreiciate the advice on the discussion board. However another question! You see I go to the gym alot and I know this girl who works there, I know her as a friend, and I am think of asking her out! However, The problem is, I don't know how. In the past: with girls I usually...
  2. D

    should you keep in touch with girls

    Dear Guys: Another Question. You See, I was wondering how much you should keep in touch with a girl(if she is just your friend) after you have gone your seperate ways. I know this sounds confusing, but a week ago, we graduated from university, are good friends, went our seperate ways, she...
  3. D

    a nice guy needs help

    Hey Man, I was just wondering was how was nice guys: which I consider myself to be, suppose to get girls who are their friends to become more their girlfriends. All I was saying was that all my girlfriends just want to remain friends, do I have to stay the same or become a jerk. respond if...
  4. D

    a nice guy needs help

    Dear Girls and Guys, I consider myself a nice guy and have girlfriends, who want me just as friends. Now i don't do the typical nice guy stuff-ex. put them on cloud nine, worship the ground under the feet etc. However, they say I am a great guy and want to just stay as friends. Alot of...