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  1. T

    Should I tell

    . I mostly got it from my ex that I was with for like 4 years the thing is with herpes is you can have it for years and then all of a sudden get an outbreak.If im not mistaken
  2. T

    Should I tell

    . I think im seriously just gonna make pretend I dont know about it I really dont wanna be a a-hole about it but I see no other option in all honesty its not like the person is gonna die if they get it you take pills for a few days and its gone.I guess time will tell I dont know what im gonna...
  3. T

    Should I tell

    . I have put this in back of my mind for a long time and now that im thinking about it again im really starting to feel depressed I seriously dont know wtf im gonna do.I feel as if my life is over hate feeling like this makes me wanna go and do drugs.oh well what can I do I have alot of self...
  4. T

    Should I tell

    . Listen I could have said nothing to the girl I was with 8 months ago.But I did say something and the relationship ended.Im not a troll Im asking something serious.The chances of spreading herpes when you dont have an outbreak and using a condom are pretty much slim to none.If you had herpes...
  5. T

    Should I tell

    . ermm I found out this 8 months ago of course I got treatment basically what im saying is who the hell is gonna wanna have sex with me if I just tell them before we have sex.
  6. T

    Should I tell

    well heres the thing I found out I have herpes about 8 months ago I told the girl I was with when I found out about it and we broke up.Anyways my question is should I tell girls about this ****?And no I don't mean like "hey my name is turtlevan I have herpes wanna go out?"This has been buggin me...
  7. T

    What would you do?

    . ya everything sounds good about it expect the dieing part more then likely I won't pursue the armed forces path.First things first im gonna go apply tomorrow for GED classes but I was thinking.What am I gonna do with all my free time I don't wanna overwhelm myself with stuff to do but at the...
  8. T

    What would you do?

    . Thanks for the replys so far appreciate it keep them coming.From the few posts it seems like I should just focus on getting my GED first.Funny I was actually thinking about the military who knows maybe it'll be good.
  9. T

    What would you do?

    Sup people alright let me explain my situation.Im 23 years old live with parents no job dropped outta high school at age 16 smoke weed.Lost my licence due to drug charges. Anyways I feel like long overdue change in the way I live needs to be made.At this point in my life I highly doubt im in...