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  1. D

    DAMN LTRs...

    ok sorry if i wasnt clear... Im in first year university, she lives 1 hour away and we see eachother 1-2 a week. We have been together for about 3 months but exclusivly for almost 2 months. What i mean by ****y is at first when i said something ****y funny she'd laugh and hit me or what not...
  2. D

    DAMN LTRs...

    ok so im in an LTR with this hb 8.5, it's been about 1 month and a half and things are sorta already going downhill. She's getting a bit ****ier, i still diffuse it with humour/ being serious/ just ignoring her... the physical part of the relationship is still there and as good as ever... but at...
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    Female Erogenous Zones

    if your gonna steal an article at least put a link or something, good suff nonetheless.
  4. D

    the friends

    what do u do when a girls FRIEND is trying to get u opened up about weather u like the girl, how u feel about it, bla bla. when i say i dont think discussing that matters she says i dont care about this girl and so on.
  5. D

    hoes before bros?

    iv kknown this girl for about a year and there WAS a very strong tension between us, i could tell she wanted me since way back when. anyways she finally came out and admitted she likes me or w.e and i started talking to her more and more, only problem is since that tension is basically gone i...