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  1. C

    Protecting Your Emotions

    SB, Hmmm, interesting point "women don't run from you out of fear of being hurt - if they run its because they simply are not interested" In general I agree with this comment, but their must be exceptions: 1. Like if you were about to join the army and go to Iraq 2. If they found out...
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    My gf broke up with me.

    The advice given in the previous messages is really actually good advice: 1. Keep busy - will take you mind off things and help that depressed feeeling! 2. Do some self improvement - jogging, gym, get a hair cut even - this will help with your self esteem. Now do it! -C
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    Help me avoid a case of one-itis

    I have read this thread and am kinda in the same boat. The chick I am seeing and I are a little further down the line and have fvcked a few times, and I think we should be getting past the games....but I guess I have been a bit AFCish and called a bit too much. Its been 3 days now since I...
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    Translate: ********....

    Hi guys, I have this chick that is into me - I guess i know this because we have fvcked a few times. Although she loves it we are only fvcking once a week. Damn I could go every night ...anyway..... I seem to do all the spading, and she plays hard to get. She turns me down occasionally...
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    FR: Shezz and G-Man Invade Student Night...

    Nice post Shezz. Bad luck dude on the HB5.... Havent seen ya on MSn for a while -C
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    Crazy B*tch.....

    PS: The come and see me when I am off and the blow off was almost 10 minutes apart - make you mind up you silly cow! (You might be able to sense some frustration here ) :rolleyes:
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    Crazy B*tch.....

    Ok we all know women are crazy. I need help to sort this chick out - I just cant figure her out. She is always buying me dinner, and bringing me food to work and stuff, grabbing my ass occassionally, brushing her tits etc. We have been going out for about 2 months. She even says I am...
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    Where did i go wrong....

    As I said mybe I need to revise my LTR? =C
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    Where did i go wrong....

    This forum has never put me wrong, but this time I must have made a mistake. The scenario: I am in a LTR. A girl at work shows some interest and we end up making out. She knows I am in a LTR and she came out of a LTR about 2 years ago. She I think is a bit gun shy. (I am not proud of...
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    Someone's gonna get hurt...

    I think its all irrelevant now because ... NEXT... I called her for a drink tonight and got no answer but a short time later got a text asking what was up? I textd back after a suitable delay for coffee but this one said they were out and didnt reschedule... I think I was too keen, and as...
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    Someone's gonna get hurt...

    Some good answers to this one. Ezilonman: you right it is catch22. wind20mph: you are also right, but to think that you must establish communication before you go to a deeper relationship is not quite that easy. I believe that people are built differently and some people put their heart...
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    Someone's gonna get hurt...

    Whats the best reply to a chick who is unsure because she is scared of getting hurt and thinks its gonna be her? The best I could come up with on the spot was "trust me". Incidentially I am not out for a STR with this one....but to get her LOI up I have been the "player". -Charlie
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    Transition STR->LTR

    Thanks HeartlessBtch - I tend to think you might be right. I might hint to her that I am not here as a play thing and that I want to get to know her better. That should let her know I aint just fvckin around. I might even tell her that while I know other girls, I am interested in her at the...
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    Transition STR->LTR

    Hi Folks, I want to get from a STR with this girl to a LTR (well at least longer anyway). I have got two problems: 1. I have over done the player thing and she thinks I am some kinda serial womaniser!! 2. I have been so C+F that now when I try to add some sincerity she thinks i am...
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    complicatied situation

    See if anyone can work this one out: I am in a LTR and another girl who I met recently and knows about LTR started to hit on me and we have fvcked. The new girl was in a LTR about a 1 year ago for several years and when it ended I understand it was pretty serious. The way I see it she...
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    i have to make all the moves...

    Glad to hear that most men have to make the moves. I too have noticed this and wondered how it fitted in with not beind needy or appearing desperate. I like the trick of tell her to do it...! -Charlie
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    Just sex..or something more?

    Shezzler, As always a good answer from ya!! It will require me to pay careful attention to the responses. I know she loves talking about sex. But will try the relationship one too and see what happens... -Charlie
  18. C

    Just sex..or something more?

    Anyone got any tests for working out what a women wants? This chick I am seeing is a self described nymph, but that could have been some kinda flippant comment? -Charlie PS: I love reading this forum, its just fantastic!
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    Can I trust you...?

    If a girl I am dating at work keeps asking if she can trust me (we dont want anyone at work to know) does anyone think their is something more to it? The reason I ask is she keeps asking - I keep reassuring... Also she is really keen, but I am making all the moves. Playing it cool - not...
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    Com'on Fella' to play it

    Thanks fellas. worked like a charm. invited myself over. got what i wanted. (And she enjoyed it!) -Charlie