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  1. P

    How to keep girl interested?

    Keep it interesting and fresh. My ex described our relationship turning sour like listening to the same song over and over. You may like the song, but don't kill it. Change should make things a bit interesting. ~Phoenix
  2. P

    Sex and guilt.

    Thanks for all the thoughtful comments and ideas. Though I think this may be a problem or some sort of complex developed from internalized values shoved into me by my parents when I was younger, I should be able to fight it by setting my OWN values, not the values that people tell me I should...
  3. P

    The coldest rejection

    Hahaha okay okay, I'll admit I acted like a wussy with this post. Damn. Way to make a first impression on a forum. Anyways, thanks for the tips and the replies. I'll be a lot less spineless from now on. ~Phoenix
  4. P

    Sex and guilt.

    No, I'm not religious. Though I just read an article about sexual guilt, and it seems that religious upbringings can tend to form guilt complexes relating to sex. It doesn't have any answers but it does bring light to the...
  5. P

    Sex and guilt.

    Right, I hope my subject title caught your eye. This is a problem I've had plaguing me since my first girlfriend. Whenever I have sex, I get overwhelmed with guilt afterwards. I have thoughts like "You shouldn't have done that," and ideas like "You should've saved it for marriage."...
  6. P

    The coldest rejection

    Now I don't know about you, but the worst kind of rejection is when they don't even reject you. They just stop talking to you. This recently happened to me and it's practically the one thing in the world that most makes me want to slam my head into a wall repeating "I am such a F#*@ING IDIOT"...