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  1. K

    This Thing Called Risk Are What All Afc's Are Lacking!!!

    I know Jay wrote this a while back, but I cant help but bump this post!!! ITS AWESOME!!!
  2. K

    Field Report Forum

    Its probably that idiot "Demon" doing that!!:mad:
  3. K

    Very Good Articles That Any Guy Should Read!!!!!!!!!!

    Since Ive been back at this site, I wanted to pull some of the best articles from the past which inspired me and they might just inspire you. (might anyway) really though they are excellent articles!! This one is by Pook, on what woman say and what they really mean...
  4. K

    TALK IS CHEAP!! Take your own advice!!

    IM hardly ever on this website, but when I am Im always reading th same people posting the same articles. Im just curious, did some of you guys actually do the things you stress in your articles? I do admit some people on this board (that I can remember) post great articles on this board like...
  5. K

    This Thing Called Risk!!!!

    I give this 9 of 10 stars!!!!
  6. K

    This Thing Called Risk Are What All Afc's Are Lacking!!!

    That is a very good post Jay83!!!:p