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  1. L

    Les Liaisons Dangereuses: The Introduction

    I for one am siked for this. Please just make sure you stick with it! I'm so sick of people starting series or promising new ideas, then they make a few posts and just give up on it all. So if you follow through with this man, it shall be good!
  2. L

    Women Love a Guy that Knows What he Wants!!!!!

    Let's hold off and see if this actually follows through. I can't count how many times a chick has told me she wants to hang out sometime and get each other off, and they piss right off. Don't take any of this seriously, and you'll walk away a winner either way. If nothing happens, you won't care...
  3. L

    My first post, and help with a sort of problem

    Well I don't let my life revolve around her, at all. I see her like once or twice a week, and that is that. However, I do feel like I have her on some sort of pedestal. I mean, I know that I AM the goods. However, I have those feelings that she is the be-all, end-all special girl after all the...
  4. L

    My first post, and help with a sort of problem

    Hello everyone, this is my first post, and I'll give you a quick introduction and then I ask for some advice with a dilemme I'm facing. I've been browsing this site with various accounts on/off for about a year now. I'm 17 years old, and I've been in a LTR for almost two years now. Before I...