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  1. D

    how to become popular?

    In Answer to Your Question Seeing as you asked how, I will take the time to respond to your question. In actuallity(sp?) I am arrogant, it helps with a technique I use, commonly referred to as ****y and funny, which has been popularized by David...
  2. D

    Speaking Publicly

    What I did. I used to feel nervous about those same things. I just changed how I viewed the situations. Your focus is on how people will think less of you after they witness you talk. Just think of it as a joke and don't take it too serious. For...
  3. D

    how to become popular?

    Its About Beliefs I think your inner beliefs are projected through your communications with people, whether it's with your actions or words. People pick up on your beliefs and judge you on them (popularity). So if you think about it you make your own...