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  1. K

    Things I Have Learned

    jean paul gaultier "le male" I'm giving away the farm on this one, but I've learned so much on here I am proud to do it for everyone. Its like baby powder with a hint of vanilla and spice. Its like kryptonite to ALL females. It's NEVER gotten me anything but "WOW you smell great" or "OMG...
  2. K

    FNG.. Lost my edge with "the one", but all is not lost.. Need Advice!

    OK. This site and forum.. AMAZING. Let me start by saying I am a "former n1ce guy", transition still taking place but its well on its way. It took me until my late 20's, but "I get it" now. Please excuse the length of this post, tried to keep it short. I am 6 months out of a 6+yr LTR...