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  1. J

    a perfect pickup?

    hey guys, thanks for your replies. Your points are all really valid and justified. I think I am reading too much into everything - its hard to describe in total, but sometimes you can just get a vibe which you can quantify in a post. I dont get hung up on women, so I'll call her in a few and...
  2. J

    a perfect pickup?

    Hello my friends, I am positively beaming right now. I dont give away ratings lightly, I usually only go as high as an HB8, but today I saw a perfect 10, rare as it is, in a jewelery store at the mall. I went in and lucky enough she opened with the usual "Can I help you?" now, I might...
  3. J

    Field Report: Advice and constructive crit please (newbie)

    Hey DJs, I've been inspired lately by constantly reading the forum so last night (friday night) I decided to hit a trendy bar round the corner from me to practice my game. Firstly, some brief background: I'm 21, decent looking and have never struggled before, just want to improve myself...
  4. J

    NYC Wngman

    Visit Hey DJs, Im from Africa and hitting NYC from 1st to 8th Jan. Im no pro - new to the structure of pickups but I get by (accent helps). Im game to check out a few bars/clubs there so give me a message if anyone is keen. Im 21 by the way. -JD