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  1. N

    Most obvious come-on that was missed

    This happened in NINTH GRADE! ARRRRRRRRGHHHH! (Me not sitting with HB8 #s 1/2 that I normally do.) HB81 (ultra sexy voice): why isnt he sitting with us? HB82: cause he dosen't like us... Me: (TOTALLY FROZEN) "that depends on what u mean by "like"" HB1: "threesome-type like...
  2. N

    dont assume or attatch meaning...

    I SPEAK to emos, I just would'nt date one. (actually, if they were hot, I'd work the friends with benegits anyhoo.)
  3. N

    "We need to think about where we stand"

    ROFL. Yah, the question is what exactly do u intend to be with this chick? Cause if it's a booty call, dodge the question, if ur going for a LTR... well then I don't know WHAT u do...
  4. N

    Sarging at the beach

    I think Mjazz is putting u on, dude. (I doubt he knows what the acronyms U were using meant.)
  5. N


    What makes you different? Well for one, you are here, and I think that will make a difference. Also, if a chicks a golddigger, =not a lot you can/should do... BUT, in this chicks case, she should get tired of the AFC behaivior from the rich kid's hecka quick.
  6. N

    asking her out

    Yah, I would imagine that actually asking the question taint important, all you need to do is step up the physical part of the relationship until it is "self-apparent" to the chick's friends that ur and "item".
  7. N

    Wanted: Your Most AFC Move

    Hmmmmm... well... it's not really one moment so much as it is an entire lifestyle...:down: I have this awful habit of making a move on chicks with insignificant others, and then when they attempt to LJBF, get VERY clingy, which tends to make them think Im a creeper, etc etc. :cuss: NOT COOL.