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  1. Lean Baby Face

    I gained 15 kg in a month... How can I lose this fast?

    Seems you and me come from pretty similar dietary backgrounds. I'm a low-carber myself and mostly eats two meals a day too, even when fat loss ain't my primary goal. Prolonged periods of not eating anything only does good things to your bloodwork, especially when overweight or metabolically...
  2. Lean Baby Face

    How approach women in a social environment without loose status?

    As a general rule don't hit on women who are part of communities where the male numbers massively outweighs the female, such as fitness, diet (except vegan maybe), gaming, rock music, or right-leaning political groups since you can be very sure the women there are sick of constantly dealing with...
  3. Lean Baby Face

    Why are people against improvement? A rant

    I think some personality types can end up getting too analytical when gaming which ends up taking from their authenticity and own unique qualities which can negatively impact their approaching, as women may end up thinking you're just another lonely loser eager for sex because you got no real...
  4. Lean Baby Face

    low libido: a pro or a con?

    I actually find myself more lazy once super horny and more productive and get things done faster when in a much less sex-focused mood. If I end up ejaculating I'm gonna end up slacking the whole day from the heavy orgasm-induced relaxation, usually ending up taking a nap right after finishing...
  5. Lean Baby Face


    Polygamy, especially in countries with smaller populations, would result in massive inbreeding which is never a good thing. It would also make the dating market an even bigger disaster than it already is as there would be much less available women, unless cheating becomes normalized, or the...
  6. Lean Baby Face

    Do you guys shave?

    I've noticed hairiness is perceived very differently on older men than on young. If you're young, hairy, bearded (especially if you aren't blessed with a close, full beard) you ain't viewed very favorably and seen as unattractive and lazy and not taking good care of yourself, whereas if you're...
  7. Lean Baby Face

    Mature Men Evening activities

    Hey, some of us actually do have our lives in check. :D Despite me showcasing a very youthful appearance by my facial features and how I dress, I have many times surprised people by telling them I'm still in my 20s, solely for reason that I'm mature-minded and make wise decisions or life...
  8. Lean Baby Face

    Remove the automated 'Don Juan' ranking.

    I think the reason people no longer put effort into seducing or dating anymore like in old days is because people don't feel they have the time or wanna make time for it as you can now get fulfilment from so many other things unrelated to sex like playing video games, committing to a hobby, or...
  9. Lean Baby Face

    36 years old, and getting redpilled

    If you feel these men bring you down just simply avoid them and don't listen to them. Some men act like this as if their intention is to toughen up little boys like they're teaching but in reality want all the cake themselves and then once they witness your success they start playing with you...
  10. Lean Baby Face

    36 years old, and getting redpilled

    Do you really need books for this situation? Sounds more like hormone fluctuations to me rather than identity crisis. One side is burning testosterone fuel wanting to smash and enjoy female presence while the other is overly analytical and fatigues itself with questions and worries which is...
  11. Lean Baby Face

    Anyone else missing the OG Roosh V forum?

    Very well put. Since Roosh became Christian and disowned his original work and old self pre-2019 I honestly felt the community lost its leader and hasn't been the same ever since. I respect his religious beliefs and their value to him, but I felt the "secular guy with spiritual curiosity" fit...
  12. Lean Baby Face

    Do you guys shave?

    I just started wet shaving few months ago using a safety razor and I recently started doing the armpits and down there with it too. If the area ain't used to razor shaving it has to get used to it first, sometimes even if your technique is mild or use whatever pre/aftershave product on the skin...
  13. Lean Baby Face

    Texting and meeting a married coworker

    How much do you like her compared to the other women you're dating? Do you like her enough to the point you think she's worth keeping and meeting on a regular basis? Also, are the other women married or in relationships as well? I'd say if she don't seem to have any plans on divorcing her...
  14. Lean Baby Face

    Smashing 21yr old model in her prime

    I still don't buy into that hypothesis, also, how many partners are we even talking about? Actually, I don't even care, rather have cancer than giving up burying my face deep into a nice shaven BBS chubby fupa several times a day as if it was my last time ever. Ain't going nowhere!
  15. Lean Baby Face

    Why I think most relationships fail

    Muslim marriages might look good on the outside but in reality behind the doors it's often yelling, hitting, and crying children, not to mention the claustrophobia of a large family being stuffed inside a tiny apartment or house with nowhere to get away from all the noise. I do respect the...
  16. Lean Baby Face

    Mature Men Evening activities

    I wake up very early in the morning for work, so always going to bed early on work days to reach my 8-9 hours of sleep. So once I reach home I immediately start training in my home gym, then followed by my last meal of the day, then, from there it's anything from either grocery shopping, doing...
  17. Lean Baby Face

    Anyone else missing the OG Roosh V forum?

    Yeah myself included. I was never a member but would often find myself lurking on there often when in mood for learning about foreign women or game or even male self-improvement sometimes. Then recently I wanted to find a place similar to that forum and SoSuave was the closest I could find and...
  18. Lean Baby Face

    Anyone else missing the OG Roosh V forum?

    I absolutely loved how the members on there made detailed datasheets for countries/cities with other members tuning in and adding to it with their experiences as well, sometimes even meeting up while out there traveling. Even though I ain't much of a traveler myself, I enjoyed looking up each...
  19. Lean Baby Face

    I Found a Forum similar to Roosh's

    I still can't see how this is similar to Roosh's forum unless we are talking its last few years where all game-related subforums got removed and all game-related discussion wasn't permitted. Apparently a lot of the original forum members also turned Christian and abandoned game too after he did...