AlexKaiser May 28, 2017 Its easy posting motivational quotes. The hard part, is actually living by them when things aren't going your way.
Its easy posting motivational quotes. The hard part, is actually living by them when things aren't going your way.
AlexKaiser May 27, 2017 a blackpill is basically a bluepill who tried to go red, but became so cynical that they actually drive women away rather than entice them.
a blackpill is basically a bluepill who tried to go red, but became so cynical that they actually drive women away rather than entice them.
AlexKaiser Apr 12, 2017 That moment when the girl you're really into, and is into you, reveals that she's 15, but thinks you're a teen too because you're short.
That moment when the girl you're really into, and is into you, reveals that she's 15, but thinks you're a teen too because you're short.