Random thoughts on lust : Quagmire


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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I have some friends that are ruled by lust. I call them Quagmire archetypes. They are constantly in creep mode. They let sex ruin their lives. Some of these men are successful but have multiple "baby mommas". These are men of all races.

Ever since I got married I have forced myself to calm down. I am no where near as bad as I used to be. This allows me to self reflect. I see myself in these guys.

Once you go down the PUA route you can get stuck there. Being good with women is a gift and a curse. Once you crack the code it is difficult to go back.

I have one preppy friend that looks like a total yuppie. You would never suspect that he is a slave to his penis. He has a live in women but routinely prowls bars and clubs for young women. We are too old for that! He also routinely uses hookers domestic and international. His horniness knows no bounds lol. Other than that he is a great person.

I actually think a lot of lust is just female validation issues. Is it really the orgasm you are chasing or the approval from an attractive woman? I think it is the latter.

The problem with lust is that it cant be quenched. The more you try to satisfy it the bigger it grows. If you try to ignore it then it eventually mutates into something weird and it eventually explodes. Maybe the answer is balance.
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Don Juan
Feb 21, 2019
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Women's most powerful weapon is their appearance, sex appeal and seduction/mind games.

If a man decides to not be impressed by any of that (for example when he is focused on his goals), then women have no power over him.

I've thought about this lately: how lust is such a killer of us achieving our goals and growing in life. Instead of doing what matters, we chase some pu55y. That's so silly, really.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Women's most powerful weapon is their appearance, sex appeal and seduction/mind games.

If a man decides to not be impressed by any of that (for example when he is focused on his goals), then women have no power over him.

I've thought about this lately: how lust is such a killer of us achieving our goals and growing in life. Instead of doing what matters, we chase some pu55y. That's so silly, really.
Its so dang silly man. Spending half our lives chasing the orgasm.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2024
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I actually think a lot of lust is just female validation issues. Is it really the orgasm you are chasing or the approval from an attractive woman? I think it is the latter.
Hard to say. Some guys have kind of an addiction. But I think validation is also a factor. Not just from women but from everyone. Some guys need the world to know they are a player (which can be a bad look).

I don't judge, to each his own, but I think with experience comes a more suave vibe that women pick up on. They can tell you're good with women and you don't need to prove it. Even a guy like me, I'm settled down and sexually satisfied, but I treat women in a way where they feel attractive and attracted, even if it's just on a superficial level. I have no need to prove I can bang a girl or demonstrate that I once read some pickup material or whatever. My game is internalized and my energy reflects it.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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I actually think a lot of lust is just female validation issues. Is it really the orgasm you are chasing or the approval from an attractive woman? I think it is the latter.

The problem with lust is that it cant be quenched. The more you try to satisfy it the bigger it grows. If you try to ignore it then it eventually mutates into something weird and it eventually explodes. Maybe the answer is balance.
For me it was always about conquering a challenge and winning. I'm a hunter. I guess you could call it a need to self validate. It really doesn't matter if its women or something else(business, hobbies, hunting animals, etc) I want to go after.