Recent content by Robert28

  1. R

    Just The Tip: What is it with women and tipping?

    It’s not a problem I’ve experienced but once. I tipped 15% and the girl grabbed the bill and looked at it and started in on me “that’s all you’re going to leave her?? She was good! You should have left more than that” and I said “well you can leave the difference if you’d like. I’ve learned that...
  2. R

    Just The Tip: What is it with women and tipping?

    Why is tipping such a huge thing when women? I read many stories about women complaining about a guy they’re out with or their boyfriend not tipping or not tipping what THEY think is “enough”. They claim it’s a red flag and a “sign of bad character”. I’ve even read stories where women always...
  3. R

    Is there a way to stop women from wanting to live with me?

    I keep running into this and in the past, women always get around to wanting to live together. Hell, I had a woman years ago who I was dating and she got evicted from her apartment and wanted to move her, her mother and her kid in with me. Needless to say I said hell no to that and ofcourse she...
  4. R

    Question about crazy girls

    In your experience, have the crazy ones (I mean more than normal, since all women are some level of crazy) ever come right out and admitted they’re bat**** crazy? In my experience the ones that didn’t admit they were crazy or give a warning, are the actual bad ones to watch out for. If a girl...
  5. R

    'Dating apps have become the kiss of death for male reproductive success' says a new book

    With all the “are we dating the same guy” pages popping up all over the world, you’d be a fool to be on a dating app these days. Alot of women even admit they’re only on dating apps looking to post guys because they’re addicted to these gossip pages. Mes around and you could have your reputation...
  6. R

    Bumble lost a third of its Texas workforce after state passed restrictive ‘Heartbeat Act’ abortion bill

    Bumble stock was crashing long before this bill. Women have destroyed dating and men are leaving apps in droves. That’s what’s going on pretty much.
  7. R

    what is psychology why woman accept dates then cancel them?

    Consider yourself lucky that you were saved from a gigantic headache had you gone on that date and things worked out. I used to think getting cancelled on and rejected was the worst but now that I’m older and wiser, it’s actually the powers that be saving me from trouble. Rejection is protection.
  8. R

    Women and jealousy

    Turns out this girl has wanted to fvck me for awhile apparently. That’s weird because she’s friendzoned me several times over the years in various ways, never made any direct flirty comments or anything like that (she talked about her small nipples once and I made a joke about “prove it, let’s...
  9. R

    Adios Online Dating

    Those sites that are popping up all over called “are we dating the same guy” is finishing off what’s left of online dating. They’re finishing off dating period. Research them, they’re bad.
  10. R

    What's your answer when a chick asks you how much you make?

    Me either. I’ve never had a woman come right out and ask me that, but all of them have interrogated me in a dancing around it sort of way fishing for information. I just tell them what I do, I never tell them my other sources of income like some properties I rent, land I get rent on, etc.
  11. R

    Women and jealousy

    I guess I haven’t completely dropped her since we do go so far back. I honestly have no problem being around her a few times a year, it’s not like I’m constantly around her or putting my life m on hold for her. I do agree that she is toxic though.
  12. R

    Women and jealousy

    I’ve tried “pouncing” several times over the years. All I’ve ever gotten was a steamy makeout session. Even after that date she asked me on where I thought things were going to finally happen, she said “nothings changed for me, I don’t want to lead you on”. But then she sure pursued me for...
  13. R

    Women and jealousy

    I think she finds me attractive but I’m not the type of guy she goes for. She’s into the tattooed body builder type, I have zero tattoos and I’m not a body builder but I’m in very good shape. She sees other women who are more attractive than her show interest in me, and I think she wants me to...
  14. R

    Women and jealousy

    Her and I go back a good many years but it’s never been an actual friendship. I think I’m her backup plan but I’m not sure. Her and I went on a few dates like 10 years ago, we met through mutual friends. She wasn’t feeling me and said as much. The thing is she always finds a way to hit me up a...
  15. R

    Women and jealousy

    I went to a bar last night with a girl friend of mine. This girl rejected me in the past, we’ve known each other for years but she’s cool and we don’t hangout that often. While we were out I kept noticing other women walking by me making eye contact, several would touch me as they went by me...