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  • When determining contentedness, ask these questions of what one is to do: "Must," "Should," and "Can."
    The key to having a happy life, is to integrate every aspect of your life together
    The first goal in life is to be integrated philosophically. Man has philosophic needs.
    Inductive reasoning is the means of gaining new knowledge. Deduction without induction is rationalism.
    There are consequences to cowardice.
    However, that does not justify gaining something by force.
    women pursuing sex from attractive men, often times are looking for that momentary emotional illusion to escape from their miserable lives
    If I only conform on my terms....

    One without the many?
    Many from the one?
    Many without the one?
    Ones in the manys
    One in the many?
    This depends on the terms to set the context.
    If government were to grant rights, it can just as well take them away, thus they would not be inalienable.

    If rights were to come from a supernatural force, then those rights would only be as defensible as the existence of the supernatural. Such a mystical belief is an attack on reason and by extension an attack on man himself.
    Man is a rational animal who needs to use his rational mind to survive and prosper. Therefore it is required that such a productive man ought to be free of that which undermines the use of his rational mind; initiatory force and fraud.
    One's thought process should be rational, connecting everything one senses into an essential concept or into an essential principle.

    One's emotions ought to be vigorous, one's self esteem ought to have one feel efficacious.

    One ought to have a sense of fortitude in one's convictions.
    The most effective way to promote and defend freedom is the use of critical thinking.
    My two most important goals right now are defined as the following:

    To convince people to formulate concepts by starting from particulars forming into an abstraction

    To develop myself in such a way as to make myself attractive to a particular type of girl
    The man who despises himself tries to gain self-esteem from sexual adventures—which can’t be done, because sex is not the cause, but an effect and an expression of a man’s sense of his own value . . .

    Ayn Rand
    Romantic love, in the full sense of the term, is an emotion possible only to the man (or woman) of unbreached self-esteem: it is his response to his own highest values in the person of another—an integrated response of mind and body, of love and sexual desire. Such a man (or woman) is incapable of experiencing a sexual desire divorced from spiritual values.

    Ayn Rand
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