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  • If you're not in touch with your own feelings and needs, how in the world can you be responsive to someone else's?
    The only person you can truly "love unconditionally," is yourself! If you can manage that, you'll be far better equipped to Love someone else.
    Your relationship with Yourself is the most important one you'll ever form or maintain. It may be hard for you to be 'alone' if you can't tolerate your owncompany, but the compromises/sacrifices you make just to be with someone else, may not be worth the toll it takes on you.
    A healthy relationship means being equally comfortable giving and receiving. If it gives you joy and satisfaction to give to others, why would you want to deprive them of this experience? Even the tide of the ocean routinely goes out to sea, but it must come back to shore, or we'd have no beaches.
    Truth involves the congruency between words and actions. If someone's always telling you how successful, talented or confident they are, maybe there's a reason they're needing to convince you of it.
    You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. If you sense early-on in a relationship, that the person you're dating doesn't meet your needs (you're frowning more than smiling), move on--and find someone who does!
    You are reflexively attracted to people who match your level of emotional development. If you're bitching about your spouse or lover, you'd better take a deeper look at yourself.
    You cannot resolve a problem with the same consciousness that created it. Learn, Heal and Grow!!
    Childhood experiences always predict the nature of adult relationships; show me where you are, and I'll know where you've been
    Infatuation isn't about falling in love with someone else... it's about falling in love with You, under the adoring gaze of another.
    So many people marry by default. They 'settle,' because they're afraid to be alone with themselves. Divorce is the antidote for disastrous choices.
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