This is the way our species, for the most part anyway*, operates. No one wants to "settle" for things which are merely suitable. Mates included
Mother nature made women to be chased -- so mother nature made women "picky" and not want to "settle". Mother nature made men to chase -- so she made him horny as F. Ultimately, the average women would settle with the average man because of pregnancy ("come on, just the tip") or because he was the only one available -- Giga Chad was already married to Giga Tracy. Ultimately, average woman would find average man attractive because time usually breads likeability. Talk to most old couples from generations pass; the woman did not find the man initially attractive, but now, years later, she is happy that he pursued her.
Well, with the advent of the pill and the destruction of the sanctity of marriage; mother nature's gift of making women picky have backfired on the average women. Time for Father Darwin to clean up this mess...