Just got rejected from another chick less than half my age


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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At first she seemed OK in giving me the digits, but then become reticent. :mad:

It's OVER for OldCels.

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
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Tijuana, Mexico
Atleast it was a soft landing of low interest. You avoided the lamentation of ignored texts and didn’t get suckered to be another recruit of her orbiter army.

I just desensitize myself now a days if I don’t score a pull. Today there are far too many factors that you can't control when dealing with women.
You can clinch your fist and tap your chin thinking where you fumbled the play when it might be something completely random, like some old flame shooting her a text and going "hey , I’m in town tonight.”

Even the road to their pvssy is paved with booby traps.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
@MatureDJ -- Did you ask her on a date first prior to asking for her digits? There's no reason to have digits without a date planned from the in-person approach. Digits mean nothing, even in situations without big age gaps.

It's common for men 35+ to want to get big age gaps (often 10+ years) from their interactions. The problem is that it is more difficult to get these bigger age gaps. In order to get a bigger age gap, a man is going to need an above average level of income and/or net worth to do it. The bigger the age gap, the more money that will be needed to get it.

This is why most middle aged men (35-54) end up dating a woman close to their own age. It's what they can get.

@MatureDJ is roughly 60 years old and he has below average height. He would need to have an extraordinary sum of money to attract women 20-35. His combination of height and age would even make it difficult to get a run of the mill 50-55 year old woman, let alone a substantially younger woman.

Most middle aged and beyond men end up facing this reality in some way. While this happens to beta males with blue pill ideologies, this can even happen to more attraction/seduction knowledgeable men with more red pill ideologies too. It is more difficult to get big age gap relationships without money.

I don't think the woman in the first post was ever truly interested anyway.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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@MatureDJ -- Did you ask her on a date first prior to asking for her digits? There's no reason to have digits without a date planned from the in-person approach. Digits mean nothing, even in situations without big age gaps.

It's common for men 35+ to want to get big age gaps (often 10+ years) from their interactions. The problem is that it is more difficult to get these bigger age gaps. In order to get a bigger age gap, a man is going to need an above average level of income and/or net worth to do it. The bigger the age gap, the more money that will be needed to get it.

This is why most middle aged men (35-54) end up dating a woman close to their own age. It's what they can get.

@MatureDJ is roughly 60 years old and he has below average height. He would need to have an extraordinary sum of money to attract women 20-35. His combination of height and age would even make it difficult to get a run of the mill 50-55 year old woman, let alone a substantially younger woman.

Most middle aged and beyond men end up facing this reality in some way. While this happens to beta males with blue pill ideologies, this can even happen to more attraction/seduction knowledgeable men with more red pill ideologies too. It is more difficult to get big age gap relationships without money.

I don't think the woman in the first post was ever truly interested anyway.
The money doesn’t necessarily need to be there for the age gap. I have done just fine with double digit age pulls in a sweatshirt and hat. I never tried to maintain it long term but a few months ago a 22 year old second year law student crossed my path and I don’t think it would have been a reach, as we texted here and there for a couple months while she was out at law school in Minnesota. Which was funny bc some cuck was trying to blow my spot up feom Minnesota on these boards at this time trying to dish legal advice (he turned out to be a truck mechanic) and I was likely pulling better ass under his nose then he even knew. I just didn’t feel the need to say it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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It's over... ... for creepy old men that haven't figured out that they have no chance with young women unless they're affluent enough to buy or rent them.
It's common for men 35+ to want to get big age gaps (often 10+ years) from their interactions. The problem is that it is more difficult to get these bigger age gaps. In order to get a bigger age gap, a man is going to need an above average level of income and/or net worth to do it. The bigger the age gap, the more money that will be needed to get it.
Or look fatherly enough for their Daddy issues.

@MatureDJ is roughly 60 years old and he has below average height.
If you only have age going for you, but not wisdom or even life experience, getting any woman will be a problem, but you need to have something special if you want to court a woman half your age.


Don Juan
Aug 18, 2023
Reaction score
I've seen older guys with a lot of money but have terrible game, no status, and they don't do that well. Status and social skills are way more important than money. This applies to guys of all ages.

"YoU NeEd MoRe MoNeY tO GeT GiRlS!" is basic, retail level advice that can generally be disregarded. Yes, it helps, and every guy should aim to increase their income, but it's only like 10% of the final equation.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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While half your age is pushing it for sure, there is nothing unrealistic about a fit 50 year old with a decent career (not rich) trying to get with women 10 to 15 years younger. In this case, we are talking 35 to 40 year old women.

Nothing creepy or unusual about it at all.

Now, a 50 year old trying to hit on a 25 year old (that's another story)

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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Yeah...mess with a cartel member's GF and end up chopped up in a dumpster somewhere.
If Trump is re-elected he is going to declare the cartels to be terrorist organizations opening the door for JSOC to start wiping them out. Some posters here may be adios in a couple years.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
If Trump is re-elected he is going to declare the cartels to be terrorist organizations opening the door for JSOC to start wiping them out. Some posters here may be adios in a couple years.
Good luck with that. They can't even wipe out people living in caves in deserts with nothing around, how are they going to fare against groups with as much military equipment as them?

Also, I don't see how that personally benefits him and he doesn't do anything that doesn't have a major benefit for him at the forefront of why he is doing it.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
Reaction score
Good luck with that. They can't even wipe out people living in caves in deserts with nothing around, how are they going to fare against groups with as much military equipment as them?

Also, I don't see how that personally benefits him and he doesn't do anything that doesn't have a major benefit for him at the forefront of why he is doing it.
It’s going to happen. My best friend is a Jsoc operator and we were having lunch yesterday. Jsoc is not regular special forces. It’s delta, seal team 6, and a couple tier one police forces. The guys that killed bin Laden and a bunch of other stuff you haven’t heard of.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
It's over... ... for creepy old men that haven't figured out that they have no chance with young women unless they're affluent enough to buy or rent them.
Not true I fvcked a 22 yr old last night it cost me about $30

we played some pool I teased her a bit , we went to a bar then to see some of her friends ( which I played along with ) I'm not massive on clubs any more I really need to be in the mood for it

Finally at 3am she said she was ready to come back to my hotel

She was naked and sucking my d1ck within about 5 mins of walking through the door

Sometimes it really just runs as smooth as that


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
there is nothing unrealistic about a fit 50 year old with a decent career (not rich) trying to get with women 10 to 15 years younger. In this case, we are talking 35 to 40 year old women.
What's that income number for a 50 year old? $175,000 - $200,000+ per year?

We had a thread last year that $75,000 - $125,000 annual salary isn't that helpful for getting women and that was mainly focused on men in their 30s and early 40s in that income range.

A guy in his early 40s making around $100,000 a year is probably going to be challenged in getting women 25-32 (10-15 years younger for him).


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
I've seen older guys with a lot of money but have terrible game, no status, and they don't do that well. Status and social skills are way more important than money. This applies to guys of all ages.

"YoU NeEd MoRe MoNeY tO GeT GiRlS!" is basic, retail level advice that can generally be disregarded. Yes, it helps, and every guy should aim to increase their income, but it's only like 10% of the final equation.
Money brings you the women you want in some cases but not always the ones you need. IMO it's a simp mentality to think that having money alone will bring women to you. I know a South American guy with money who works in Cyber Security for a Bank (which I won't name) he makes over 200K a year and can't get a girlfriend to save his life in the States so he goes to Russia or Dubai to meet women and uses his money. The guy is a nice guy, but he's an ultra simp he has no game, no social status. I've seen him buy more women drinks at the bars than I can count never took a girl home, heck 9 times out of 10 he doesn't even get a phone number and that's his game. Go to the bar find a hot girl try to buy her drinks then get her number lmfaooo. He has shown me text messages of him texting girls and it's literally him in the friendzone trying to get women to come out and have dinner with him. Guess what they are not interested!

What's that income number for a 50 year old? $175,000 - $200,000+ per year?

We had a thread last year that $75,000 - $125,000 annual salary isn't that helpful for getting women and that was mainly focused on men in their 30s and early 40s in that income range.

A guy in his early 40s making around $100,000 a year is probably going to be challenged in getting women 25-32 (10-15 years younger for him).

Money doesn't mean anything if you still do not have access/proximity and most importantly get the women that you want If that's what you're aiming for. As mentioned previously above so many men think money will automatically attract hotter women, but that's not always the case. You still will need social status or circle (access) Body Game (attraction/health/sexual stamina), and other things i.e. game, personality etc. I remember this 50 year old rich Indian guy would always go to the clubs in my city back in the day, dude was kind of a weirdo and try to get hot blondes. Needless to say, he would fail cause money can't make up for his pot belly girls would use him for his drinks and run off.

Heck I would say Body Game is the most important game, why because women will always fucc a hot guy first before the fucc a rich fat guy


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Money brings you the women you want in some cases but not always the ones you need. IMO it's a simp mentality to think that having money alone will bring women to you. I know a South American guy with money who works in Cyber Security for a Bank (which I won't name) he makes over 200K a year and can't get a girlfriend to save his life in the States so he goes to Russia or Dubai to meet women and uses his money. The guy is a nice guy, but he's an ultra simp he has no game, no social status. I've seen him buy more women drinks at the bars than I can count never took a girl home, heck 9 times out of 10 he doesn't even get a phone number and that's his game. Go to the bar find a hot girl try to buy her drinks then get her number lmfaooo. He has shown me text messages of him texting girls and it's literally him in the friendzone trying to get women to come out and have dinner with him. Guess what they are not interested!
This is the type of man who is better off paying directly for sex rather than trying to do nightlife approaches, swipe apps, or sending DMs on Instagram.

Money doesn't mean anything if you still do not have access/proximity and most importantly get the women that you want If that's what you're aiming for. As mentioned previously above so many men think money will automatically attract hotter women, but that's not always the case. You still will need social status or circle (access) Body Game (attraction/health/sexual stamina), and other things i.e. game, personality etc. I remember this 50 year old rich Indian guy would always go to the clubs in my city back in the day, dude was kind of a weirdo and try to get hot blondes. Needless to say, he would fail cause money can't make up for his pot belly girls would use him for his drinks and run off.

Heck I would say Body Game is the most important game, why because women will always fucc a hot guy first before the fucc a rich fat guy
I have always said that Game is some combination of looks, money, status, and personality. I have believe and continue to believe that appearance (looks) is the #1 factor. Looks is the #1 factor for men prior to age 35. After age 35, money does have an increased importance in the equation, especially when seeking a 10+ year age gap. Looks will still matter after age 35 too but the appearance factor has reduced importance then.

I agree that proximity helps too. It's difficult to be a 40-55 year man with money seeking substantially younger women when he's living in a suburban single family house and all his friends/acquaintances are men & women with children under 18 in their households. If that suburb dwelling guy goes out to nightlife venues in most USA metro areas seeking women 10+ years younger, he's not going to get very far on money alone.

There are also plenty of awkward Indian/Indian-American men who pursue White women. Your example of seeing an older Indian male with a pot belly doing that is relatable. His outcomes were entirely predictable. In the 2010s, I knew an overweight Indian-American STEM worker in his 20s who went out to the bougie nightlife venues in my city and tried to seduce bougie White women in their 20s. That didn't go well at all. Most White women were creeped out by him despite his solid STEM degree and STEM income.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
I think one of the issues now is attention spans. You have to capitalize on that buying temperature quickly.

i started the thread about how quickly to contact a woman after she gives you her contact info for this reason. The game has changed.

i have been with my wife since 2006 and the game has changed dramatically since then.

we need to choose positive and empowering beliefs. So i will close by saying that some of the changes in the game have helped some guys get laid who wouldnt have previously

The challenge can be for some of us guys who had a decent level of success under the rules of the game years ago and struggle a bit now

it just takes a bit of creative retooling and the best way to do that is to game lots of women and see what works