Well i looked at
this list...
Makes you feel special? Check. She told me im all she ever wanted in a man (we met a few hours ago at that point) and literally told me how special i am, insisting it's true when i said im not. She told me what a great kisser i am when i havent even kissed a woman for many years before this.
Buys gifts? Check. She insisted on paying for things i said i didnt need.
Sex on the first date? Check. Her body language oozed desire, she initiated the sexuality, she was eager for more every time we kissed.
Drinks alcohol? Check. She had just gotten out of a bar when she started talking to me, and she drank more alcohol when with me (i dont drink alcohol).
Very insecure and viewing other women as a threat? Check. She kept commenting how i could never be her boyfriend because all the other women will hit on me because im so good looking, and how the other women in the bar were looking at me and they all wanted me (im serious, thats what she said).
Mood swings? Hoo boy, CHECK. She can go from crying in disappointment, or telling you she doesnt want you to even look at her, to happy, sexual and praising again in the same time span with no reference to how she felt before.
Difficult time with compliments? Yep. She picked on her own appearance and never believed the compliments i gave her in response.