I was a virgin at 21 and at 23 I have slept with 12 women but now I'm mentally ruined.


Don Juan
May 23, 2019
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As the title says, I'm 23 and have slept with 12 women in the past 2 years.
I posted this thread 2 years ago explaining my situation. I realized that I was sabotaging myself severely when it came to women.

Today, I have a job as a SOC analysts making $65k a year. On the women side of things, things have gotten better.

I'm currently seeing 3 women, dating and sex. I haven't and don't plan on committing to any of these women because that would take time away from my career progression. I have also joined the gym and I'm at 73kg.

The only thing I'm lacking is friends. I still have 0. The only reason I've slept with 12 women is because I literally took the approach of a computer. Read info about approaching, go out, try it out, fail, analyze, and improve. When I go out, I do it alone, no friends. This takes out all the fun out of life. I tried making friends but most of them talk nothing but bs. I tried making friends with similar interest, but they're all geeks doing IT stuff in their bedroom and never leave the house. The only friend I can actually hang out with for hours is my brother but he lives in Mexico City and almost never comes around.

Another issue I have is that I've noticed how slutty women really are and I hate to say it but that ****s with my mind. I see the women I'm talking to and the ones I meet with disgust because I assume they're all sluts. I still enjoy them but they disgust me. I even told one girl, "You're nothing but a slut to me. Where I'm going there's no place for sluts like you, I don't want to see you again".

I want to have kids and a wife eventually but what's the point of improving myself and busting my ass on my career if I'm going to end up with a woman that has slept with 8 other men? I rather be alone.

I also masturbate and watch porn on X, 2-3 a week. This is also part of the problem that I'm trying to fix but it has been hard.

I realized that I'm heading towards an unhealthy life (at least when it comes to women) and I came here to ask for help.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
The only insight you should get from having pointless sex with bimbos is that sex is not that hard to obtain. Afterwards you enter the point of diminishing returns, and you are smart enough to have caught on to this earlier on. You are 23, so there should be plenty of decent women out there that aren't married yet, but time is not on your side depending on your location. In addition, 65k is not a lot of money when you are competing for women near your 30s, so you need to make sure you are focusing on career development just in case you fail.

We can start with this:

1). How & where have you been meeting these women? You have had sex with 12 women in 2 years, and not one of them was good enough to even date? It is going to be hard to find a girl that is LTR material from cold approaching because most of them are not open to being approached by a stranger on the street.

2). If you are serious about wanting kids and stuff, stop watching the snake oil black pill & red pill content. The manosphere like Richard Cooper, LFA, and Alpha Male Strategies are not that bad & can be funny at times. Talking to women type channels? I found good tips from Playing with Fire, Austin Dunham, and some Fitxfearless videos (he can be full of shvt though lol).


Don Juan
May 23, 2019
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How & where have you been meeting these women?
Mostly malls, books stores, and parties (weddings and quinceañeras).
You have had sex with 12 women in 2 years, and not one of them was good enough to even date?
I haven't dated any because of the what I explained in my original post about getting the idea that they all sleep around and I will not settle for that.
It is going to be hard to find a girl that is LTR material from cold approaching because most of them are not open to being approached by a stranger on the street.
How do you know if a woman is LTR material? Apart from her personality and looks, how do you tell she doesn't sleep around? A feminine, petite, innocent submissive looking girl can still sleep around. I will never consider a woman that has a high body count (2+) as a LTR. I might get laughed at bc I say I want a woman with a low body count (bc there's not many) but just because it's socially acceptable and excused (or it's becoming) for women in the US to be promiscuous doesn't mean I have to settle for those chicks.
If you are serious about wanting kids and stuff, stop watching the snake oil black pill & red pill content.
I have read The Rational Male and Rollo does say to not commit to a woman because you'll have to give up your other plates, which is what i'm doing. I mainly don't commit to women because I'm trying to progress in my career bc i want to get into Real Estate investing and spending time and money on women will not get me there.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
I haven't dated any because of the what I explained in my original post about getting the idea that they all sleep around and I will not settle for that.
What makes you think they are going to sleep around? I am getting the inclination that you are Hispanic, so based on my experience with hispanic women, they tend to want to settle down fast.

How do you know if a woman is LTR material? Apart from her personality and looks, how do you tell she doesn't sleep around? A feminine, petite, innocent submissive looking girl can still sleep around. I will never consider a woman that has a high body count (2+) as a LTR. I might get laughed at bc I say I want a woman with a low body count (bc there's not many) but just because it's socially acceptable and excused (or it's becoming) for women in the US to be promiscuous doesn't mean I have to settle for those chicks.
Your brain is rotten to the core from the toxic red & black pill snake oil. You need to go on red pill rehab for 6 months and get serious with your top plate. Do not do anything stupid like get married or sign any legal contract with this woman, but just relax and go with the flow. Use the nuts your creator gave you and use them as defense and offense. Report back in 6 months and tell us how things went. You will more than likely be fine and unscathed by this mythical female boogeyman you have created in your mind.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I have read The Rational Male and Rollo does say to not commit to a woman because you'll have to give up your other plates, which is what i'm doing. I mainly don't commit to women because I'm trying to progress in my career bc i want to get into Real Estate investing and spending time and money on women will not get me there.
Okay, but don't forget Rollo is married himself.
I wouldn't really care about having to give up plates, but I have shut off my social life in favor of career before, and it paid good dividends. Just don't stay on that road forever.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2022
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Don't allow the experiences with a few women taint your view of them on the whole.

Believe it or not, but not all women are skanks and *****s. If you are quickly bedding girls easily your are either hyper attractive and successful...or far more likely the pool by which you decide to choose from is inherently slutty and you are simply going for the lay and not a relationship. (which isn't inherently bad by any means, you do you...)

I went through a similar phase to which you describe as I started to firmly grasp how many women function, but know this. There those here that will attest that there are women worth pursuing beyond just a quick lay. If you continually allow your cognitive biases to define all women you will no doubt fail in attracting a women worth committing too in the long run. Abandon this toxic mindset before it turns you into something which fails to attract others.

I've yet to see where Rollo has laid claim to this statement so blatantly in "to not commit to a woman because you'll have to give up your other plates" when he by in large advocates for mirroring women in ESPEICALLY dating non exclusively and to spend time testing your options whist young and learn from experience. He also is not against monogamy by any means as evident by his own marriage and message found in his books... The bright side of that? Well... Congrats champ, you have some experience so now you SHOULD know how to sort out the chicks worth giving a s*** about and those not worth more then a ONS.

And yes, by in large spending time focused on your own personal development is far more beneficial to you then seeking out fruitless relationships with low quality women

I think what @zekko says is worth listening to as well. There is a balance to be made and most men struggle with this.


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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I want to have kids and a wife eventually but what's the point of improving myself and busting my ass on my career if I'm going to end up with a woman that has slept with 8 other men?
You improve for yourself. Unless you reach a certain level, you won't be able to attract a quality woman and be the leader of your family. Quality women are repulsed by immature, angry guys just like your are repulsed by the slvts you're involved with.
How do you know if a woman is LTR material? Apart from her personality and looks, how do you tell she doesn't sleep around? A feminine, petite, innocent submissive looking girl can still sleep around.
First off, if you go by what some YouTube channels present, you'd think all females under 45yrs old are either single moms, pornstars or doing OF. Don't believe that, those guys are garbage men digging through garbage for clicks. Most women don't sleep around, you should be able by spending some time with her to assesses her integrity and figure out if she's LTR material.
Jan 19, 2023
Reaction score
As the title says, I'm 23 and have slept with 12 women in the past 2 years.
I posted this thread 2 years ago explaining my situation. I realized that I was sabotaging myself severely when it came to women.

Today, I have a job as a SOC analysts making $65k a year. On the women side of things, things have gotten better.

I'm currently seeing 3 women, dating and sex. I haven't and don't plan on committing to any of these women because that would take time away from my career progression. I have also joined the gym and I'm at 73kg.

The only thing I'm lacking is friends. I still have 0. The only reason I've slept with 12 women is because I literally took the approach of a computer. Read info about approaching, go out, try it out, fail, analyze, and improve. When I go out, I do it alone, no friends. This takes out all the fun out of life. I tried making friends but most of them talk nothing but bs. I tried making friends with similar interest, but they're all geeks doing IT stuff in their bedroom and never leave the house. The only friend I can actually hang out with for hours is my brother but he lives in Mexico City and almost never comes around.

Another issue I have is that I've noticed how slutty women really are and I hate to say it but that ****s with my mind. I see the women I'm talking to and the ones I meet with disgust because I assume they're all sluts. I still enjoy them but they disgust me. I even told one girl, "You're nothing but a slut to me. Where I'm going there's no place for sluts like you, I don't want to see you again".

I want to have kids and a wife eventually but what's the point of improving myself and busting my ass on my career if I'm going to end up with a woman that has slept with 8 other men? I rather be alone.

I also masturbate and watch porn on X, 2-3 a week. This is also part of the problem that I'm trying to fix but it has been hard.

I realized that I'm heading towards an unhealthy life (at least when it comes to women) and I came here to ask for help.
Hey bro,

It's clear that you've been doing some deep reflection on various aspects of your life, particularly in your relationships with women and your social circle. I want to commend you for your honesty and courage in sharing your thoughts and struggles.

As I read through your post, I couldn't help but notice some patterns of thinking that might be contributing to your challenges. It seems like you're experiencing what psychologists call cognitive distortions, which are common thinking errors that can lead to negative emotions and behaviors. I'd like to offer some insights on these distortions in the hopes that it might help you navigate through these difficult times.

Firstly, it's important to recognize the tendency for all-or-nothing thinking. Viewing women as either "sluts" or worthy of respect based on perceived sexual behavior is overly simplistic and doesn't account for the complexity of human relationships. People are multidimensional, and it's unfair to categorize them based on one aspect of their lives.

Similarly, overgeneralization can lead to skewed perceptions. Just because you've had negative experiences with some women doesn't mean that all women fit into the same category. Each person is unique, and it's important to approach them with an open mind and without preconceived judgments.

It's also worth considering the role of emotional reasoning in shaping your beliefs and behaviors. Negative emotions such as disgust and mistrust can cloud your judgment and lead to biased interpretations of situations. It's essential to challenge these emotions and examine whether they're based on objective reality or distorted perceptions.

Furthermore, labeling others with derogatory terms like "slut" is not only hurtful but also unproductive. It's important to treat others with respect and empathy, regardless of their choices or behaviors. People deserve to be seen as individuals, not reduced to stereotypes or labels.

Lastly, I want to emphasize the importance of seeking support and guidance during challenging times. Therapy or counseling can provide valuable insights and strategies for addressing cognitive distortions and improving overall well-being. It takes courage to ask for help, but it can lead to significant growth and positive changes in your life.

I hope you find these insights helpful as you continue your journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Remember, you're not alone in this, and there are people who care about your well-being. Keep pushing forward, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need support along the way.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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I want to have kids and a wife eventually but what's the point of improving myself and busting my ass on my career if I'm going to end up with a woman that has slept with 8 other men?
Go for one that has not had eight partners.

Forgo sex with a wife-material woman for several months.

It’s that simple.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Nah, not buying the "brainwashed" argument sorry. Adult male with the ability to control his actions, it is what it is.
Same goes for red-pill whiners who ***** about single mothers, daddy government, and abortion mongers while exhorting men to make single mothers and bastards wards of the state.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
Nah, not buying the "brainwashed" argument sorry. Adult male with the ability to control his actions, it is what it is.
A young adult male craving pvssy that he is entirely shut off from can be highly vulnerable to brainwashing tactics lol.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
As the title says, I'm 23 and have slept with 12 women in the past 2 years.
I posted this thread 2 years ago explaining my situation. I realized that I was sabotaging myself severely when it came to women.

Today, I have a job as a SOC analysts making $65k a year. On the women side of things, things have gotten better.

I'm currently seeing 3 women, dating and sex. I haven't and don't plan on committing to any of these women because that would take time away from my career progression. I have also joined the gym and I'm at 73kg.

The only thing I'm lacking is friends. I still have 0. The only reason I've slept with 12 women is because I literally took the approach of a computer. Read info about approaching, go out, try it out, fail, analyze, and improve. When I go out, I do it alone, no friends. This takes out all the fun out of life. I tried making friends but most of them talk nothing but bs. I tried making friends with similar interest, but they're all geeks doing IT stuff in their bedroom and never leave the house. The only friend I can actually hang out with for hours is my brother but he lives in Mexico City and almost never comes around.

Another issue I have is that I've noticed how slutty women really are and I hate to say it but that ****s with my mind. I see the women I'm talking to and the ones I meet with disgust because I assume they're all sluts. I still enjoy them but they disgust me. I even told one girl, "You're nothing but a slut to me. Where I'm going there's no place for sluts like you, I don't want to see you again".

I want to have kids and a wife eventually but what's the point of improving myself and busting my ass on my career if I'm going to end up with a woman that has slept with 8 other men? I rather be alone.

I also masturbate and watch porn on X, 2-3 a week. This is also part of the problem that I'm trying to fix but it has been hard.

I realized that I'm heading towards an unhealthy life (at least when it comes to women) and I came here to ask for help.

BRO what is wrong with you. If you met a woman who has slept with 8 other men, by Western Standards, she's a Virgin.

I wouldn't let her slip away lol


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
Reaction score
A young adult male craving pvssy that he is entirely shut off from can be highly vulnerable to brainwashing tactics lol.
That sure is a slippery slope of an argument I think you would be wise to reconsider.

If we are going to justify the behavior of people by brainwashing, propaganda, advertising, you would be defending a lot of the behavior modern day women are exhibiting.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
That sure is a slippery slope of an argument I think you would be wise to reconsider.

If we are going to justify the behavior of people by brainwashing, propaganda, advertising, you would be defending a lot of the behavior modern day women are exhibiting.
Modern women are brainwashed too by misleading media & marketing. Marketing and Propaganda are not innovative inventions and have been powerful since antiquity.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
Reaction score
Modern women are brainwashed too by misleading media & marketing. Marketing and Propaganda are not innovative inventions and have been powerful since antiquity.
So you are willing to white knight for them too? Why are you even here then participating in conversations that mostly lead to how to manipulate these "brainwashed" innocent women?


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
You are a hypocrite, you want a woman with a low body count yet you are going around sleeping with wh0res. You deserve a wh0re yourself.
I respectfully disagree. He is playing the field until he meets a girl worthy of exclusivity, that´s like male sexual strategy 101. Im not saying its the best strategy or the only strategy, but I dont think this makes him a hypocrite.