Why are you not in a relationship?


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
I get asked this question a lot.

"Why are you not in a relationship?"

I usually just say because I'm really picky. But I am interested to see what you guys say? I don't think I answer it well

Black Widow Void

Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
Although I'm not currently single, I've been many times in life and have received this question a lot.
In fact, so much...that my response is memorized.

Why are you not in a relationship:

"I'd rather be single, keep my options open and date around... than be in a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship. I'm not opposed to relationships, but if you've ever been in a relationship and felt alone, when you weren't... then you'll understand. It's better to be single and date around... than to be with someone and feel alone."

You'd be surprised how many people have been involved in some unproductive relationship and will actually understand and respect the above response.
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Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
Reaction score
I get asked this question a lot.

"Why are you not in a relationship?"

I usually just say because I'm really picky. But I am interested to see what you guys say? I don't think I answer it well
Tell them your arch enemies would put their lives in danger. It happened once with Zod and Luthor.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
Tell them your arch enemies would put their lives in danger. It happened once with Zod and Luthor.
"The life of an International Man of Mystery doesn't allow for commitment, but we need to have sex now, I have to save the world in 5 hours and 47 minutes."


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
Reaction score
I get asked this question a lot.

"Why are you not in a relationship?"

I usually just say because I'm really picky. But I am interested to see what you guys say? I don't think I answer it well
As you already suspected, I don't think it's a good answer because when you say 'I'm really picky' you present yourself in a negative light. You're conveying you're undesirable ... who wants to have to deal with a really picky guy? If you say 'because I didn't meet the right person' then you present yourself in a positive light, as a prize that a woman must qualify for in order to win.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
I've only been asked something like this rarely . I was making out with a girl at a party. She asked; "How come you don't have a girlfriend? I told her "I drink too much." Another time, it was with a much younger girl at work. We were starting to hang out together outside of work. She asked. "How come you're not married? Is something wrong with you?" I was furious and cut off communication. She called me up crying and apologized. We wound up in a relationship.
The last time I was not in a relationship, I had just gotten a divorce. That was a good enough answer.


Why are you not in a relationship:

"I'd rather be single, keep my options open and date around... than be in a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship. I'm not opposed to relationships, but if you've ever been in a relationship and felt alone, when you weren't... then you'll understand. It's better to be single and date around... than to be with someone and feel alone."
I agree with you but that's a rather long and drawn out answer to such a simple question, don't ya think? Apparently not.:p:D

Same when people ask "why are you single"? Single meaning sans relationship at the moment

I keep it short and simple. "I prefer it at the moment, and enjoying it!"

That's it! I hate that question. During those times I'm not in a relationship, my good friends know why, as for others, none of their cotton pickin business as far as I'm concerned.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
"No woman could ever put up with all my personalities."


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
I get asked this question a lot.

"Why are you not in a relationship?"

I usually just say because I'm really picky. But I am interested to see what you guys say? I don't think I answer it well
I usually tell the truth. I've been in a few LTRs and haven't found a suitable replacement since the last one ended.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
"Most women like the kinky sex, but they cannot handle my dark side."


"Most women like the kinky sex, but they cannot handle my dark side."
Haha I dare you to create a profile on your favorite dating app and describe yourself as Dark Triad with a high emphasis on Machiavellianism, and talk about how you emulate 16th-century Italian politician Niccolo Machiavelli as written in his book "The Prince."

Watch how many hits/messages you receive! Lol

You can thank me later. :p

P.S. I know you have plenty of kittens and don't need to do this. Just sayin, you underestimate how many women love (and can handle just fine) a man with a "dark side."
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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
Haha I dare you to create a profile on your favorite dating app and and describe yourself as Dark Triad with a high emphasis on Machiavellianism, and talk about how you emulate 16th-century Italian politician and diplomat Niccolo Machiavelli as written in his book "The Prince."

Watch how many hits/messages you receive! Lol

You can thank me later. :p

P.S. I know you have plenty of kittens and don't need to do this. Just sayin, you underestimate how many women love a man with a "dark side."
I don't underestimate that at all. For research purposes I experimented with three different dating apps to see if I could find rope bunnies, ahem, 'adventurous' women, using lines like "I'll tie you up, but I won't tie you down" and I got at least 1-2 matches per day.

I don't like dating apps (it was something to do while taking a dump), but I stopped after a few months. Most matches were too damaged. I found two kittens. The rest were not worth the trouble.


I don't underestimate that at all. For research purposes I experimented with three different dating apps to see if I could find rope bunnies, ahem, 'adventurous' women, using lines like "I'll tie you up, but I won't tie you down" and I got at least 1-2 matches per day.
No doubt, but it's not about kinky adventurous sex, it's more abort the mind f*cks and manipulation tactics.

This is what intrigues women (even though they'll deny it) and when you mention Niccolo Machiavelli and his book, they'll be running to their computers, looking him up, wanting to discover all there is to know, their panties dripping the entire time! :oops:

A beautiful smart savvy woman can 'handle' it, no question about it and you'll get more than 1-2 matches a day.

Apologies for getting off track, back to topic...
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Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
The problem here is that you are slipping into her frame.
She asked you a question, demanded an answer, and whatever answer you're gonna give, she's gona judge.

Game is not about giving the woman the power to make those kinds of decisions.

"how old are you"
"where do you work"
"why are you single"
"where are your friends"

Some of these questions are innocent, conversation making..and some are not.

But often times the conversation can go morbidly wrong by getting into the position where you're constantly answering her questions and trying to "get the right" answer.

The right answer in all of these cases is to
take back the frame.

It's not about "clever witty" answers, but understanding what she's trying to do, and then throwing all that bullsh1t out.

Why are you not in a relationship?

A stale dude without game..

"oh yeah, just broke up with the love of my life..."
"my ex girlfriend cheated on me"
"I don't believe in long term relationships that’s for the birds”
“ im picky” (this ain’t it my boy)

A contrast dude with game…

"look at you trying to dig up some dirt on me, I see you"

"we were about to be married, until the accident......you know i'm bullsh1tting you right?"

"its complicated"

And that's how you attract a inquisitive bitxh in a nutshell. Change the frame and own it, ask her something though provoking. Girls naturally follow a strong frame so if you start asking her striking questions she will forget and move on from that initial sh1t test question.

You will never get any points with a chick by taking her seriously.
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Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
Although I'm not currently single, I've been many times in life and have received this question a lot.
In fact, so much...that my response is memorized.

Why are you not in a relationship:

"I'd rather be single, keep my options open and date around... than be in a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship. I'm not opposed to relationships, but if you've ever been in a relationship and felt alone, when you weren't... then you'll understand. It's better to be single and date around... than to be with someone and feel alone."

You'd be surprised how many people have been involved in some unproductive relationship and will actually understand and respect the above response.
To some degree. Respectfully, that’s explaining yourself a lil too much to a woman who probably has some skeletons in her closet.

Black Widow Void

Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
To some degree. Respectfully, that’s explaining yourself a lil too much to a woman who probably has some skeletons in her closet.
It's always fun to read responses where the person asserts that we "are explaining ourselves"... meanwhile, they're responding to explain themselves on why they disagree. There's lots of irony among this forum.


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score