That's your reason for promoting prostitutes on a site dedicated to meeting women. Weakness of character and religious hypocrisy.
How am I promoting prostitutes if I don't visit them myself? (find a post where I admitted to visiting an escort at any point after Dec 5, 2014, being the last 9-10 years. Does someone who has refused/stopped visiting any escort in about a decade fit the profile of someone who is promoting prostitutes? If anything, if I would promote prostitutes then THAT would be hypocritical since I should be visiting them with some degree of frequency if I was promoting that)
In fact, smartypants, can you find a post where I admitted to having vaginal-sex with any woman apart from my ex-wife? If you go into details about the posts with the two escorts I did visit, you do realize no actual sex happened in either of those visits? I'm making this challenge to you right now because you are intent into putting words and narratives that I've never said and you have this warped version that simply not true at all.
1) You will never find a single post, out of the near 9000 posts on here where:
a) I admitted to having vaginal sex with ANY woman apart from my ex-wife (who I was married with at the time)
b) Had vaginal sex with any prostitute
c) Visited any prostitute/escort after Dec 5, 2014
Go and examine all the posts or really just shut-up.
AmsterdamAssassin said:
Just imagine the religious consequences of converting even one member to your notion that there's nothing wrong with wh0remongering.
I never said there was nothing wrong with wh0remongering. (find a post where I said that and quote it here) You do realize that religious discussions are banned on here and I was warned not to bring religion into any topic? Apart from that aspect (which I'm not allowed to discuss), I have nothing else to say about it as I've only voiced against this from a spiritual aspect, not a monetary, physical or emotional aspect, so it would appear that I don't see anything wrong with it which would be a misinterpretation.
In fact, any careful look at my posts will say that unless you are married to a woman, then sex with the woman is morally wrong period.
Therefore, what makes sex with a prostitute wrong, is only concern is if I'm actually married to her or not at the time I'm having sex with her. Casual sex would also be wrong. Relationship sex would also be wrong. However, that's not the discussion here.
In fact, you've mocked my stance when I did write against this (ie talking about this in strictly spiritual terms).
AmerstamAssassin said:
At least keep this shyte where it belongs. In Anything Else, not in the advice discussion for inexperienced men.
You didn't say "Anything Else" on your other post. You said the board as a whole. You are reframing what you said so it does not sound as bad. That was not what you said.