Dating conventionally is paying for sex indirectly.
Most first dates cost between $20-$40. It often takes somewhere between 1-5 dates to get laid with an individual woman. Also, many 1st-2nd dates fail and do not result in any sex.
A man starting from scratch in interacting with women might absorb $500+ of courting costs before he is able to have sex when he tries to date conventionally. Every man's results vary.
When dating conventionally, there are a lot of costs on the front side of dating. It takes a decent amount of money for most men to get a single instance of sex. The cost per instance of sex goes down for a bit after the first instance of sex but then eventually rises in time in an LTR with engagement ring costs and then costs associated with a household pet, raising children, etc. Also, frequency of sex drops after marriage and babies with enough time, raising the cost of sex on a per instance basis too. It becomes similar to a U shaped curve with getting sex from traditional, monogamous type LTRs. If a man can maintain the bottom of the U shaped curve on costs for a longer time, it is more advantageous.