almost 29, am I getting too old to pick up girls 18-22?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 1, 2021
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I’m 40 and I just finished catching and releasing a 21 year old back into the sea months after she turned 22

I live in a college town with a national televised football team and I still party at dorms and frat houses

Who tells women to grow up women up and do the right thing?



Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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as I'm nearing 30, I'm wondering how realistic it is to be hooking up with girls this young (18-22) on a regular basis.
For the typical man who is 28-32, it would be rather difficult to have sex with 18-22 year olds.

A 28-29 year old man getting a 21-22 year old girlfriend is somewhat realistic. An age gap of 5 years or more is somewhat challenging to achieve but still realistic, as age gaps between 5-9 years are common enough. The typical man is less than 3 years older than his girlfriend or wife.

To get a 5-9 year age gap, especially with an 18-22 year old, a late 20s/early 30s man has to be doing well with both looks and money. In general, the larger the age gap desired, the more money is needed in order to get that.

I’m 40 and I just finished catching and releasing a 21 year old back into the sea months after she turned 22

I live in a college town with a national televised football team and I still party at dorms and frat houses
That's impressive. A lot of men would be shamed for being late 30s/early 40s and partying with 18-23 year olds.

Most men 35-42 would choose to move away from the college town because they would consider themselves too old to effectively compete for 18-23 year olds.

How have you effectively competed for and seduced women 18-23 as a 35+ man? Have you been in this college town since age 35?

Who tells women to grow up women up and do the right thing?

There is far more societal shaming for men who pursue substantially younger shaming. This is a consequence of the gynocentric social order that has developed in Western nations since the rise of feminism in the 1960s.

Women are celebrated for having both casual sex and extended relationships with much younger men.

Women who are 28-32 are not commonly having sex with 18-22 year olds. The "older woman, younger man" thing is more common with women 33-44. Even for women 33-44, having sex with men 7-15 years years younger is still uncommon.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 1, 2021
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I moved here a couple of years ago.

I have a multiple bedroom multiple bath house on 5 acres of land. I rent out rooms to coworker friends.

One has a girlfriend that plays in the band for the university. Through social circle I have met and made plenty of friends.

It helps that I look much younger than my age.
When meeting new people my friends ask them to guess my age. The youngest guess I have heard consistently is 28. Everyone is super surprised I’m 40 and the kids these days say CAP!

Cap means bullsheet or like saying you’re lying.

So that helps now add the grill out BBQ beer drinking games house parting sleep overs because if your drinking at my house you aren’t driving home

We are all responsible adults here.

Now for the rest of your input, I’m in agreement with you and well aware of however social norms can suck my d/ck choke and die.

I color outside the lines.
I’m on go when everyone is “on your mark”


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2014
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Just curious what city are you in ? I am 35 and go to the college clubs thats how I somehow can talk to them. I still get the too old vibe around 50-60% of them and I am in good shape tall etc. would love to hear about men who can pull this off


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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Just curious what city are you in ? I am 35 and go to the college clubs thats how I somehow can talk to them. I still get the too old vibe around 50-60% of them and I am in good shape tall etc. would love to hear about men who can pull this off
It's mostly in your head. I'm almost 40 and I don't feel like I'm too old.


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
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Not at all, infact age has zero effect on the attraction a woman feels for you. A male 8/10 is a male 8/10 whether he is 39 or 23.
im in my 30s and only date below 24. currently talking to 19 year old and 22 year old. My ex was 21.
Women don’t even ask my age.
looks are looks. If you look great at 37 and she feels turned on; more so than with other men; thats all that count.
I won’t sell you a dream however - women will expect you have your life together and good financial station at your age. Nobody wants to be associated with a loser


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
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Just curious what city are you in ? I am 35 and go to the college clubs thats how I somehow can talk to them. I still get the too old vibe around 50-60% of them and I am in good shape tall etc. would love to hear about men who can pull this off
you’re giving off ‘old vibes’. Dress younger. Get a better haircut etc. you need to look and act more like a late 20 year old in your demeanour


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
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For the typical man who is 28-32, it would be rather difficult to have sex with 18-22 year olds.

A 28-29 year old man getting a 21-22 year old girlfriend is somewhat realistic. An age gap of 5 years or more is somewhat challenging to achieve but still realistic, as age gaps between 5-9 years are common enough. The typical man is less than 3 years older than his girlfriend or wife.

To get a 5-9 year age gap, especially with an 18-22 year old, a late 20s/early 30s man has to be doing well with both looks and money. In general, the larger the age gap desired, the more money is needed in order to get that.

That's impressive. A lot of men would be shamed for being late 30s/early 40s and partying with 18-23 year olds.

Most men 35-42 would choose to move away from the college town because they would consider themselves too old to effectively compete for 18-23 year olds.

How have you effectively competed for and seduced women 18-23 as a 35+ man? Have you been in this college town since age 35?

There is far more societal shaming for men who pursue substantially younger shaming. This is a consequence of the gynocentric social order that has developed in Western nations since the rise of feminism in the 1960s.

Women are celebrated for having both casual sex and extended relationships with much younger men.

Women who are 28-32 are not commonly having sex with 18-22 year olds. The "older woman, younger man" thing is more common with women 33-44. Even for women 33-44, having sex with men 7-15 years years younger is still uncommon.
LOL at ‘too old’ to compete for 18-23. As if younger men are competition for prime women. Bro, most guys in their 20s struggle to get laid and, if lucky, are able to find ONE girlfriend who they end up marrying. Those guys are not in the desirable age range.
Desirable age for men is 28-40


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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LOL at ‘too old’ to compete for 18-23. As if younger men are competition for prime women.
The typical man only has an age difference of 1-3 years with a woman. A typical man dating a 22 year old woman will be 22-25 years old. You use the term prime women. The 22-25 year old man dating a 22 year old woman is typically dating a 22 year old woman in the 4.5-6.5 range in looks.

Younger men have a competitive advantage with younger women as they have more natural access to younger women. For these younger men, it is mostly a quantity play as they have access to a lot of younger women who are average looking to maybe slightly above average looking.

The 7+ women in looks who are college students (ages 18-22) are more likely to get with college student men on their campus, rather than 25-40 year old men who aren't university affiliated and are working full time. A 18-22 year old undergraduate could end up dating a 25-29 year old graduate level student. That happens regularly.

Bro, most guys in their 20s struggle to get laid and, if lucky, are able to find ONE girlfriend who they end up marrying.
I agree with you. The typical 20 something guy ends up putting a ring on some longer term girlfriend when he reaches ages 25-32.

Desirable age for men is 28-40
The typical 28-40 year old man is a pussie beggar for women near his own age. While in theory 28-40 is a desirable age bracket, it doesn't work like that in practice. Rollo Tomassi asserted that peak SMV for males was age 36. A very small grouping of 28-40 year olds actually experiences a boost during that age range in their lives. The typical 28-40 year old doesn't experience that. The typial 28-40 year old is taking whatever he can get from his social circle, nightlife approaching, or tech-based methods (swipe apps and Instagram DMs). The overall trend is that fewer relationships are forming from social circles, so the 28-40 year olds of the present time are more likely to be trying to get their penises wet from swipe apps, Instagram DMs, and some nightlife approaching. Non-bar approaching is a more niched activity and fewer men do that. I do not think a typical man does non-bar approaching. At best, they might do 1-2 approaches as a novelty thing and not do any more of it after those 1-2 approaches fail.


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
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The typical man only has an age difference of 1-3 years with a woman. A typical man dating a 22 year old woman will be 22-25 years old. You use the term prime women. The 22-25 year old man dating a 22 year old woman is typically dating a 22 year old woman in the 4.5-6.5 range in looks.

Younger men have a competitive advantage with younger women as they have more natural access to younger women. For these younger men, it is mostly a quantity play as they have access to a lot of younger women who are average looking to maybe slightly above average looking.

The 7+ women in looks who are college students (ages 18-22) are more likely to get with college student men on their campus, rather than 25-40 year old men who aren't university affiliated and are working full time. A 18-22 year old undergraduate could end up dating a 25-29 year old graduate level student. That happens regularly.

I agree with you. The typical 20 something guy ends up putting a ring on some longer term girlfriend when he reaches ages 25-32.

The typical 28-40 year old man is a pussie beggar for women near his own age. While in theory 28-40 is a desirable age bracket, it doesn't work like that in practice. Rollo Tomassi asserted that peak SMV for males was age 36. A very small grouping of 28-40 year olds actually experiences a boost during that age range in their lives. The typical 28-40 year old doesn't experience that. The typial 28-40 year old is taking whatever he can get from his social circle, nightlife approaching, or tech-based methods (swipe apps and Instagram DMs). The overall trend is that fewer relationships are forming from social circles, so the 28-40 year olds of the present time are more likely to be trying to get their penises wet from swipe apps, Instagram DMs, and some nightlife approaching. Non-bar approaching is a more niched activity and fewer men do that. I do not think a typical man does non-bar approaching. At best, they might do 1-2 approaches as a novelty thing and not do any more of it after those 1-2 approaches fail.
you’re out of touch bro. Women use instagram to date more than college now. The hottest girls are getting flown out for flings by guys or celebs older and richer than them. Or they having flings on spring break with anonymous strangers (most likely older too)


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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you’re out of touch bro.
It's possible that I am out of touch.

I am a 40 year old man who has been in unmarried relationships and seducing women for 24 years.

I think that I'm more in touch with the current environment than a 34-40 year old man who has been in the same relationship for 10 or more years.

That said, you are 10 years younger than I am and it's possible that you have a better sense of 18-22 year olds or 18-24 year olds than I have.

Women use instagram to date more than college now.
Tell me more about this. When I was in college (2001-2005 for undergrad), the most common ways college students dated was with other college students on campus. It seems convenient for college students to date each other since there are a lot of unmarried people on campus. Back in the 2001-2005 undergrad era, I did observe that just because a woman has a marital status of 'single', it does not mean she's available. In that way, I perceived that college dating was a bit overrated in that era because a lot of women I interacted with on campus were in relationships while they were on campus. Most of them didn't end up marrying their college era boyfriends.

The hottest girls are getting flown out for flings by guys or celebs older and richer than them. Or they having flings on spring break with anonymous strangers (most likely older too)
It is possible that you're overrating how often the flying out stuff happens? My sense is that you are. I think only a very small percentage of women are being flown out somewhere or using Seeking or similar services for sugar type relationships.

Random sex on spring break happened in my era in college. It usually happened with another college student at some spring break destination. The two people often don't go to the same college while having their random spring break sex. They have their random spring break sex 1-2 nights, go back to their respective universities, and then go on with life.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
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If you look very young for your age (and obviously very good looking), you still have a shot with the cute 18 year olds at 29



Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2021
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At 29, if you've had your SH!T TOGETHER, then you're only at the very beginning of scoring hot juicy fertile 18-22 chicks.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2022
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I'm 37, I don't really have my **** together, but I'm exciting and handsome, I'm also a good person.
I date a 21 Ukrainian and a 19 Slovak model. Most girls I date are 18-24, Of course I don't get laid with all of them, but when it happens, it's epic


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2022
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At 29, if you've had your SH!T TOGETHER, then you're only at the very beginning of scoring hot juicy fertile 18-22 chicks.
Actually, the "normal" young hot girls don't really care about your finances, situation, etc. They usually are in a similar situation, as long as you're exciting, you have the looks, you can invite them for a drink and you're not a mess/loser, you're ok.

The young insta gold diggers and the older girls 26+ do care though.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
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At 29, if you've had your SH!T TOGETHER, then you're only at the very beginning of scoring hot juicy fertile 18-22 chicks.
if you look old, you're invisible to 18 year old stunners (unless they want a rich sugar daddy in which case they'll close their eyes and imagine a hot young guy banging them in exchange for a nice lifestyle and money).
Most don't give a crap about how you have your 'sh1t together' lol. Almost the opposite in fact. What they want is a good looking, fun, hot guy of a somewhat similar age