Contrary to the common belief that men are emotionless robots capable of only horniness and rage, a recent study has found evidence to suggest that men are, in fact, able to experience other, more vulnerable emotions. Not only that, but it seems men may actually be more emotionally invested in romantic relationships than their female partners. While gender stereotypes often paint women as the more emotionally attached partners in relationships, and thus the more distraught over their dissolution, recent research suggests men may actually be the ones stuck sobbing over a pint of ice cream after a breakup.
Researchers found that talk of heartache, regret and tears after a breakup was surprisingly pronounced among men, occurring “significantly more” among male respondents than female ones.
Breakups Hit Men Harder Than Women, According to Study
Contrary to common gender stereotypes, men may have a harder time dealing with heartbreak than women
Researchers found that talk of heartache, regret and tears after a breakup was surprisingly pronounced among men, occurring “significantly more” among male respondents than female ones.