Women were much more skinny in the late 70s, early 80s!


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Bvtches now are lazier then ever.
Sometimes when I'm bored I browse swipe apps it's crazy to see women as young as 22 already look like 42
I remember 15 years ago you would go to the 18+ clubs and see nothing but girls with crazy bodies
now by the time a woman is 25 they already finished lol


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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Sometimes when I'm bored I browse swipe apps it's crazy to see women as young as 22 already look like 42
I remember 15 years ago you would go to the 18+ clubs and see nothing but girls with crazy bodies
now by the time a woman is 25 they already finished lol
Even the last 3 years it's gotten worse since covid. Honestly OLD is all trash now. At least before Covid you could find a few gems on there. I don't even browse it much.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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The obese rate back then was pretty low. Even fast food such as mcdonalds back then was healthy in the 90s, compared to now with hundred chemicals that can be found in fast food or food in general with their useless harmful ingredients just to make profit.
Yep. Slowly started though. I read something about even in the late 60s autopsies on Vietnam service men killed in action showed plaque starting build up in their arteries in guys just in their 20s!

Also, back in the 70s you didn't have gyms on every street corner and gyms didn't have fancy weight machines or cardio equipment like they do now yet back then people were not as fat! However these days the small number of people who are NOT overweight are generally in better shape today because of the more advanced gym equipment.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Also, back in the 70s you didn't have gyms on every street corner and gyms didn't have fancy weight machines or cardio equipment like they do now yet back then people were not as fat! However these days the small number of people who are NOT overweight are generally in better shape today because of the more advanced gym equipment.
We are more sedentary with larger food portions now. People want to argue diet, but other countries eat just as bad as Americans. However, they tend to have lower portion sizes and focus less on the bread. People think a 30-60 minute workout at the gym can override 12-16 hours of sitting and eating like a pig.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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We are more sedentary with larger food portions now. People want to argue diet, but other countries eat just as bad as Americans. However, they tend to have lower portion sizes and focus less on the bread. People think a 30-60 minute workout at the gym can override 12-16 hours of sitting and eating like a pig.
That's a factor too, but Italians seem to serve large meals and are not as fat. more fried foods these days and more snacks and drinks high with sugar as well.

Also, less jobs today require manual labor. North America, and a number of European countries are pretty fat though.

Fried foods are a major reason.

I work at a grocery store two nights a week. Nearly everything in the deli is horrible. The hot bar is warmed up high in sodium crap, and everyone goes for the fried chicken, fried chicken tenders, loaded up subs, etc. It's amazing in my area of Florida how FAT most people are. Old and young. It's horrifying seeing the fatties who shop there. You literally see the same people buying this crap everyday. It's like their diet. Fried chicken, chicken tenders, fried wings, etc. Nearly all the food is super high in calories.

I don't eat well. I skip lunch, only eat small breakfast and a big dinner but I snack. So I have to workout 50 minutes everyday some kind of cardio to stay skinny. I notice if I eat and drink crap I can gain a couple lbs in a day.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
That's a factor too, but Italians seem to serve large meals and are not as fat. more fried foods these days and more snacks and drinks high with sugar as well.

Also, less jobs today require manual labor. North America, and a number of European countries are pretty fat though.

Fried foods are a major reason.
When I went to Japan, I was stunned by how much fried food they ate. I hear South Korea has a lot of fried food as well. Large meals don't guarantee fatness if you practice proper portion control. Americans tend to eat 3 large meals and snack in between vs eating one large meal and two light meals.

I work at a grocery store two nights a week. Nearly everything in the deli is horrible. The hot bar is warmed up high in sodium crap, and everyone goes for the fried chicken, fried chicken tenders, loaded up subs, etc. It's amazing in my area of Florida how FAT most people are. Old and young. It's horrifying seeing the fatties who shop there. You literally see the same people buying this crap everyday. It's like their diet. Fried chicken, chicken tenders, fried wings, etc. Nearly all the food is super high in calories.
Florida is a shvt hole lol, I am very sorry.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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Deaths from heart disease have increased 60% world-wide in the past 30years. The average weight of a human keeps increasing.

The food portions are bigger than they have ever been. The lines at fast food places are longer than they've ever been.

Not surprising.

If they could blame tobacco makers for cancer, then its fair to blame fast food makers for heart disease. A lot of Americans eat a steady diet of schitt. Heart disease kills more people than anything else. Covid didn't even come close, but nobody gets bent out of shape about that fact. Idiots. Maybe big Pharma will come out with a $hot to make it all better.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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I love this clip. Everyones been on dates like this before. Had a date with a really hot girl once who acted just like this half the date.



Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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Back then there was less fast food and people were more active. Look at all the lazy people now with everything on-line from food delivery to dating. Just sit on your a s s and have other people bring you things. That era when CHiPs was on air was also when Playboy was mainstream. Women knew that men liked playboy bunnies and that was the social bar with regards to looks. Once the average woman could not keep up with the standards, feminist started to gain ground and we end up like what we have today. Fat acceptance, beauty at any size…blah blah blah. Saw a Victoria’s Secret ad for Amazon Prime Day. The model was a cow. Sorry, the Victoria’s Secret I grew up with had Adriana Lima and young Heidi Klim. These women were smoking hot, now all the ads are filled with obese women. Men are not allowed to have any standards now, another sign of how society has become feminized. Everything caters to the female..


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Diet is the key breakout of the obese rate. The regulations for these useless ingredients are better in Europe then in America. America is terrible when it comes to that, very terrible, actually nore terrifiying then all other countries. You cant ignore the main cause, its nonsense
Not to mention putting corn syrup in pretty much everything.

In Amsterdam, driving a car is pretty much useless and parking is ridiculously expensive, which is why many Amsterdammers don't even own a car, but use car-sharing. It's way faster to go around town on bicycles.
Klook saddle bike bridge canal overview.jpeg
When you see obese people around Amsterdam, 9 out of 10 are foreign tourists.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
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Not to mention putting corn syrup in pretty much everything.

In Amsterdam, driving a car is pretty much useless and parking is ridiculously expensive, which is why many Amsterdammers don't even own a car, but use car-sharing. It's way faster to go around town on bicycles.
View attachment 11279
When you see obese people around Amsterdam, 9 out of 10 are foreign tourists.
Same in Copenhagen.
Everyone uses bikes pretty much all the time.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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The female aesthetic has changed massively in the last 20-30 years

in the 90's girls weren't squatting or doing any leg/bum excercises , it was generally considered they didn't need too , the entire focus was on dieting and staying slim and maybe boob jobs if she was lacking up top

Then the kardashians came along and changed everything , the Kim K shape went viral and every woman on earth wanted a bubble butt

Nothing wrong with this providing a woman is in proportion

but it has meant some women have re branded the word "fat" into the word "thick"

So you got a lot of girls out there who think they have Kim K figures when in reality its all fat and cellulite

The sweet spot is when a woman has a nice bum but in proportion to the rest of her body

Sometimes it does look ridiculous


Don Juan
Oct 7, 2023
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Old Chips clips I saw on youtube. Skinny legs, nice arses. Don't see figures like this much anymore! What women should look like.

I saw a 16 year girl (im 19), and idk what's happening with women anymore.
The curves,the size of breast and hips, they don't like under 18 anymore!
Men are getting feminine, and women are getting over-feminine (?)


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Old Chips clips I saw on youtube. Skinny legs, nice arses. Don't see figures like this much anymore! What women should look like.
Having lived in the 70s and 80s I can confirm this. Seems to be more growth hormones in food these days, more processed food, and larger portions in restaurants. People eat out more now, since most couples have both people working. I don't think people exercised less really, except in that there were less indoor pursuits back then so people got out more. Even things like smoking was much more common then contributed, people who smoked a lot didn't eat as much.

So I don't think people were healthier back then, just thinner. I'm guessing the lifespan is longer now than it was then. Medical science has improved.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Diet is the key breakout of the obese rate. The regulations for these useless ingredients are better in Europe then in America. America is terrible when it comes to that, very terrible, actually nore terrifiying then all other countries. You cant ignore the main cause, its nonsense

one example few drinks at starbucks in america have around 100g sugar per drink! Thats damn crazy

in europe they dont even use the half of it
The American diet has never been pristine, it has always been cheap low-quality ingredients made convenient. The issue is we never left the great depression finish your plate mindset and it combined with crony capitalism. For some stupid reason, people are pressured to finish their oversized portion of food instead of taking it as leftovers or throwing it away.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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Deaths from heart disease have increased 60% world-wide in the past 30years. The average weight of a human keeps increasing.

The food portions are bigger than they have ever been. The lines at fast food places are longer than they've ever been.

Not surprising.

If they could blame tobacco makers for cancer, then its fair to blame fast food makers for heart disease. A lot of Americans eat a steady diet of schitt. Heart disease kills more people than anything else. Covid didn't even come close, but nobody gets bent out of shape about that fact. Idiots. Maybe big Pharma will come out with a $hot to make it all better.
Yeh I mean some type of booster jab might be the remedy with this situation.