Master Don Juan
The one big very negative with caffeine is that is mess up your internal biological clock, so you never feel that you are tired. As caffeine blocks the brains receptors for registering tiredness, the brain responds with building even more of these receptors which then results in you need to drink even more coffee to fight off the feeling of being tired and so it goes in a endless cycle. This is why most coffee drinkers totally crash if they ever attempt to stop drinking coffee. They (coffee drinkers), simply then have WAY too many tiredness receptors and the brain will have to reverse the damage of what it build in numbers of receptors over the years and reduce these tiredness receptors to normal levels with can take a few weeks up to two, three months. When drinking coffee on a daily basis to the level where you MUST have it, then you hit the cycle of perpetual tiredness.I didn't know caffeine does this
Its never good to block your body's signals where it tells you to sleep.
There is a reason for it and you should normally sleep when the body tells you too. It's kind of a no brainer.
Drinking coffee now and then is of course fine because you are not doing a daily caffeine intake so your biological watch stays solid..
Same thing with energy drinks and why you should not use it more than absolutely necessary when you are really tired and really need to get that work done etc..
Yes, caffeine has positive effects on the body too. Its just a question of outweighing what you think is the most important for you.
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