So there was a thread on what "purpose" meant a little while ago, but it doesn't seem like a conclusion was reached. Guys in online spaces like this used to tell me to "get on your purpose." Now that I am on my purpose and starting an apprenticeship soon, well what now? Am I not on my purpose? Because even despite the fact I am doing something that will soon change my life, I'm still not desired by any of the women I know, and still don't have an approach style that works. Sure, I will make more money and do better for myself, but I'm not sure how this helps me besides getting with girls who want me to pay their bills.
First of all, the whole "be on your purpose" thing is bullsh!t.
Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being on your purpose; but it has very little to do with whether or not you can/will attract women.
I remember when I was first introduced to the mansosphere and was following AMS, and being
on your purpose was a central part of his message.
Then, after I began my cold approaching journey, I realized that the choosing signals that I received from women along with my success out in the field, that those successes had NOTHING to do with me
being on my purpose (excluding my purpose of getting women).
If you want to attract women, make yourself attractive.
Hit the weights, build muscle, and cold approach.
Your purpose in life should be financial prosperity, good health, mental stability, and getting closer to Christ (yeah, I said it).
And you should thrive to achieve those things, with or without women chasing after you.
And even if you do achieve those things, they more than likely still won't be chasing after you.