My mental toughness has become mental numbness; I hardly feel anything, which doesn't help in connecting with people.
- Yes, OLD.
- After the first date, they either make up an excuse to meet again or just reject me with the "I didn't feel a connection"
-Numbness isn't always a good trait. Could be categorized as negativity. So go back to mental toughness.
-Again, OLD is fickle not trustworthy by nature. Still can get my head around how you are able to pull in the fish for 75% ,but yet they manage to get away. At least you have something to work with.
-The dreaded "connection " or "spark". Again, these women on OLD are spoiled like never before. You gotta read them right, vent probably. I don't know if you talk to them via other mediums than OLD, like WhatsApp or even better: the good ol' phone conversation.
Perhaps you should be more arrogant and aggressive with what YOU want. Assume they are highly attracted when they go through the motions to see you.
Connection and spark are a separate and deeper topic by themselves. But one thing that might help is to rehearse the date in your mind. Have a map to work with. Practice different scenarios: one where's she's eager ,one where she's holding back, another when she's difficult to read ect.
You will also be able to recall the specific moments that might've been the turning point during your previous dates. Akward silences? Something you've said? The way, dress, laugh, behave in public, walk ,talk ect ?
What is it you apparently can hide on OLD, but not in real life?