My social circle is dropping like flies


Dec 30, 2022
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It is hard for me to put myself in the shoes of a blue pilled guy. Just think, this guy has been taught to serve and appease women his whole life. That is moral. That is what is right. He has to make her happy. He must spend “time” with her just to talk about random things.

But with this obligation, many feel a sort of pleasure. A pleasure in serving Woman. Which then breeds infatuation, as we can see in the many desperate blue pilled guys.

The above is what I thought about when writing this post. I don’t believe in Disney fairy tales, of “love for ever after”. I mean, just look at most parents to show the falsity of the Disney fairytale.

I would certainly consider marrying a woman who I am attracted to and who sticks by my side. But I need to be attracted to her! It is not my duty to stay with her, no matter how her shape and form changes. That is my basic point.
I mean regardless of any of that, just read your post back as a grown adult and if you don't realize how childish it comes off as, maybe you're still in need of alot of maturing. YOu kinda just went on a huge rant about fat chicks and still haven't been able to correlate it to the title, and kinda just brushed it off as "mischosen" -- Why it doesn't make sense is, you're probably left with a hand and a tub of vaseline while you shi.t on dudes who got guaranteed pu55y.

This forum needs a lot less judgement and alot more people looking themselves in the mirror and working on THEMSELVES-- not talkin crap about others. Thats the major point I'm getting at.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Infatuation with women breeds failure. Women are a positive good, but are not the essence of my life. I refuse to let them take the place of my goals and mission. When I do this, they seem to like me more.

What a surprise.
You literally post on a pick up forum lol


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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I grew up in a small town in the middle of nowhere. Most dating was very long term, and everyone knew who everyone else was dating. Pretty bad environment imo.
Actually that's very good environment for serious relationships/marriage.
They are all fully blue pilled. I meant to say that their potential to get cute HBs is now lost, due to their decision to marry and propose, which I see as a misguided decision. I see it as misguided because it was made under the Feminine Imperative of “weight doesn’t matter”, “true love”, and “serve women”.
You don't know that, you're guessing. I think that on some level the fact the women got fat, particularly considering the guys are fit, is a sign of poor leadership on the men's part. But, you have to keep in mind that getting a good quality woman in high school and being the first man in her life is the best foundation for a good marriage. Or do you think a 26yrs old HB fitness fanatic who's been with 6 guys is a better marriage prospect? :rolleyes: Not only she's already proven that she has no loyalty, but you have no guarantee that she won't balloon at 30yrs old after having a kid and dropping the fitness regimen because her priorities in life have changed.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Advice from the old lady:

The priorities of OP are showing. That’s all. They are shallow priorities. Now. I agree that fitness and being height weight proportional is very important for one’s life and I have lived decades as the embodiment of those priorities. I moved my daughters out of the Midwest for a number of reasons but among those reasons was teen weight gain.

Magically once my girls were no longer surrounded by fat friends and the new peer group was thin? Guess what? They lost the weight. Without pressure from me (although I am also thin.) My 18 year old went from 5’10 and 165lbs to 5’10 and 125lbs in 2 years, and is now very healthy and careful about what she eats and how she eats.

If OP wants a fit girl as a top quality? He’s entitled to his own personal preferences of course. But he cannot apply his standards to other relationships. That’s not logical. Those other relationships value other qualities above fitness. That’s all.

But looking down his nose judging others accomplishes nothing and is honestly pointless.

There is a prevalent attitude here that includes a failure to understand and accept the arrangements others make in their lives. Lots of people are married and like it or not many of those unions are happy and well adjusted. Does not matter what anyone here thinks, happy marriages do in fact exist. The attitude you have to be careful about is a “sour grapes” jealousy of the circumstances of others. If those circumstances are not for you? Fine. Do differently.

But don’t disdain the choices someone else makes. All that does is isolate you from your social contacts.

I don’t know if that’s positive but it certainly isn’t a positive mindset.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Check it out OP, I found your new favorite song:

(I might be trolling, but this is a legit great song)

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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You need to find a fitness focused girl with a small history of an eating complex. Nothing too crazy but if she is periodically adept to skipping meals, stuffs cheese it’s for breakfast, has a brief period where she went super skinny to deal with a life issue, those kind of traits. The pretty ones usually have these things wired in.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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You need to find a fitness focused girl with a small history of an eating complex. Nothing too crazy but if she is periodically adept to skipping meals, stuffs cheese it’s for breakfast, has a brief period where she went super skinny to deal with a life issue, those kind of traits. The pretty ones usually have these things wired in.
Or a girl with a gracefully aged mother


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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I don’t think a lot of us were the super popular guy in high school.

We were forced to approach and approach and approach, and get rejected tons of time. Now we have the confidence that we can always find a girl.
Going to an all-male high-school :mad:, I had to take every opportunity with every attractive woman, to chat up directly or through her friend. Then majoring & working in STEM, more of the same. :mad: That said, I think it did help develop in me a certain amount of charisma with women - even if a lot of that charisma is wasted on being short. :mad::mad::mad:


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Well its safe to say if the guy is proposing to the woman after she already gained the weight, she must be a great asset to his life and a good partner like I mentioned.
It's mainly because the guy realizes that he doesn't have many options. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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I guess it is a symptom of the times, but the times my prior family lived in, women were good looking and stayed good looking. Whether it was cause of more walking and physical labor. Or because they knew the father of the house was the leader, and thus made sure food was good and she kept her looks up. And these men tended to be good looking, well dressed, and/ or made enough money or held status in their community where her competition anxiety remained high due to the fact both man and women respected him.

When a woman gains 30 to 50 lbs, she has no respect for the man. When a woman says she is not cooking tonight cause she's tired from going to the mall all day while eating ice cream, she has no respect for the man or herself.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
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As someone else has already stated, this is a fake ass misleading title to the thread.

This would be equivalent to me saying "I am losing my hair, day by day".

You: Can you expand on that?

Me: I just don't like pinapples on my pizza. Who puts fruit on pizza? Disgusting.

No relevance whatsoever to the supposed subject at hand.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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I guess it is a symptom of the times, but the times my prior family lived in, women were good looking and stayed good looking. Whether it was cause of more walking and physical labor. Or because they knew the father of the house was the leader, and thus made sure food was good and she kept her looks up. And these men tended to be good looking, well dressed, and/ or made enough money or held status in their community where her competition anxiety remained high due to the fact both man and women respected him.

When a woman gains 30 to 50 lbs, she has no respect for the man. When a woman says she is not cooking tonight cause she's tired from going to the mall all day while eating ice cream, she has no respect for the man or herself.
It’s called depression… a lot of housewives get it. And with the summer coming up, keep clear. Nothing scarier


Dec 30, 2022
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It's mainly because the guy realizes that he doesn't have many options. :rolleyes:
He's got one more option than guys like you is the point.