You see, I disagree with this above statement and I'm probably in the top 0.1% of men when it comes to lay counts.
So you want me to believe some scammer who talks all day about how awful women are, makes up theories, gives BS motivation lectures, complains about hypergamy, and all of that stuff over a guy that admits that lay count matters a lot?
Let's stick to this part of the debate.
Lay counts are practically the main metric for determining if a dating coach is worth a dollar. The problem is you have too many frauds running around who have low lay counts but can market their BS well. JAL did a good job putting them and their hideous hag of wives on blast, I respect him for that.
If you are dating and marrying trash, stop speaking about game and just STFU.
If you are not pulling hot girls, STFU.
It is that simple.
Then you want us to believe that awkward clowns like Berba and Sasha Daygame are worth paying a cent for while JAL gets the results?
It is simple, pay guys who get results, they are the ones actually doing anything. Not bums like RSD Max that just stay indoors and play videogames all day.