It's a thin line between love and hate. First thing that comes to my mind is you should go back to actually loving women for what they are. This is different for each man. Women can pick up on a misogynist.
About prostitution. Never forget, any interaction with a woman needs some form of connection and seduction . The more she is into you, the better this will make YOUR experience . Also remember that these women are broken. They won't give you the "love " you might be looking for. You sound like the type of guy that would have to become a regular visitor to one or two specific prostitutes to mimic real attraction. But believe me , to find these you'll also have to weed out the bad ones. And that will take a lot of money and time.
if you are willing to take the plane to Europe you might find women like her and feck them for 50 bucks..
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Just dont expect women like this will be 100 % receptive to you if you are a smelling fat old fart. You gotta work on yourself regardless. And yes, she is attractive but once you've paid she doesn't have to be nice or whatever anymore. I am just saying don't expect prostitutes to "bring back some type of faith in women " because regardless how they look, inside they're BROKEN people.
Why do you wanna fall back on prostitutes? Is there a specific reason?