Football, a beta male hobby or a legit interest for men?

Mar 9, 2021
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Football seems to give me mixed feelings because I see so many men invest so much of their time, money, and emotions into a game not within their control. If you legit like football and you have your ducks in a row, then sure I don't blame you. I do like college football, but I do get to wakeup moments in where I have to question myself about liking it lol. IDK, but nothing is more cringe than seeing a hopeless guy wearing another man's jersey and being able to quote the third string DB & Draft statistics like nothing.

Now the pros to football are that you definitely need to have a grasp on it if you decide to pursue NPC type women or NPC friends in general. However, do you really want to be commonly associated with these types of people in the first place? I know @Jesse Pinkman went too hard on the football lovers and realized he was a little too harsh on them. Personally, I think it is a huge waste of time, energy, and money. My favorite CFB, NFL, and MLB teams have all won the national championship at some point and nothing in my life changed after they won. In fact, I have made more stupid decisions over being upset over them losing, so there's definitely more negative consequences IMHO.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
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Anything that doesn't help you improve is beta if you're investing way too much into it. Also not sure why only football is mentioned here when soccer is the number one sport in the world, which I don't watch.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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I love football in the sense that I love to watch the game as I grew up playing it and was a fan. Plus, when I was in NYC, it was great to rub it in the faces of Penn St alumni that you went to an SEC school that actually wins titles. However, there is a level to this. If you are watching casually for fun, then you are not a loser unless you burn your entire Saturday watching football. After being hit with a nasty health scare that made it tough for me to game, I spent my Saturdays and Sundays watching football.

However, overall, anything outside of watching football at home or maybe at a bar is a waste of time.

If you go to a game, you notice how most people there are usually married with kids or settled down. The typical fan is a beta male that works the 9 to 5 corporate job, fattens himself up on beer from happy hours, gets obsessed with celebrity gossip, and then gets jealous of the single guys living it up and getting laid.

Even for myself, I have usually watched football and sports in my darkest moments in life. If I had not been hit with a nasty health scare, I would be out talking to girls, walking on my own business, or doing something important and worthwhile than watching football. I find that people who religiously follow sports are usually just the kinds of people who have thrown the towel in on life and need someone to vicariously live through.
Mar 9, 2021
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Anything that doesn't help you improve is beta if you're investing way too much into it. Also not sure why only football is mentioned here when soccer is the number one sport in the world, which I don't watch.
Because in America, nobody cares about soccer outside the World Cup despite what the tryhards say lol.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Because in America, nobody cares about soccer outside the World Cup despite what the tryhards say lol.
Eh, you'd be surprised, a lot of people do. In suburbia and the higher classes, soccer is loved just as much as American Football. I mean when I was in Atlanta, I'd say Atlanta United got bigger than the Falcons at one point.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Beta male hobby. Play sports, don't watch them.

However, there is a level to this. If you are watching casually for fun, then you are not a loser unless you burn your entire Saturday watching football.
There are plenty of men who spend Saturdays and/or Sundays watching college or pro football. Plenty of people watch other sports too.

However, overall, anything outside of watching football at home or maybe at a bar is a waste of time.

If you go to a game, you notice how most people there are usually married with kids or settled down. The typical fan is a beta male that works the 9 to 5 corporate job, fattens himself up on beer from happy hours, gets obsessed with celebrity gossip, and then gets jealous of the single guys living it up and getting laid.
A lot of people who watch/follow sports are some combinatation of married beta males, borderline incel beta males, or fully incel beta males.
Mar 9, 2021
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I love football in the sense that I love to watch the game as I grew up playing it and was a fan. Plus, when I was in NYC, it was great to rub it in the faces of Penn St alumni that you went to an SEC school that actually wins titles. However, there is a level to this. If you are watching casually for fun, then you are not a loser unless you burn your entire Saturday watching football. After being hit with a nasty health scare that made it tough for me to game, I spent my Saturdays and Sundays watching football.
It seems like you are just adapting to your situation currently which isn't bad. Even when I watch for fun, I still end up getting too emotionally invested into a game or my team. Idk, it just seems like a drug sometimes lol.

Eh, you'd be surprised, a lot of people do. In suburbia and the higher classes, soccer is loved just as much as American Football. I mean when I was in Atlanta, I'd say Atlanta United got bigger than the Falcons at one point.
Bro because it's the Falcons haha.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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because it's the Falcons haha.
The Falcons are not a bad football team. They've been to 2 Super Bowls in the past 25 years.

when I was in NYC, it was great to rub it in the faces of Penn St alumni that you went to an SEC school that actually wins titles.
College sports are not regionally popular in the Northeast. College sports are most popular in the Southeast states, the Midwest states, and Texas/Oklahoma. There's also some interest in the geographic area that comprises the Mountain West and legacy Pac 10/Pac 12 conferences.

While there are some Penn State alumni in New York City, New York City has college alumni from all over.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Lol I forgot about that embarrassing performance against Brady :rofl:
Both Falcons appearances in the Super Bowl were not good.

Being a normie sports bro is a complete waste of time. You get nothing out of it. It is idolatry of quasi alpha males who don't exactly give a shiit about you personally. If you ever met a pro athlete in public, he would not be your friend and he'd try to undermine you in seducing women at a bar. Also, you're making some rich people even richer (pro sports team owners).

College sports are an even bigger waste than pro sports. The whole environment around college sports are messed up. Basketball and football contribute almost nothing to broader knowledge. It's a shame when a university is more known for its football and basketball teams than the achievements of its academic departments, which is often the case at larger public universities. It is good that Harvard and Yale are more known for their business, law, and medicine academic programs than their sports teams.

Most normie sports bros are not having a great time in life. The married ones and the guys in LTRs might look like they are having a good time, but they are not. Most men in LTRs longer than about 2-3 years are seeing diminished sexual frequency. This is because women, without the restraint of religion and other cultural forces, are designed to be short term monogamous. They are not designed to be long term monogamous. The more beta-ish males can do ok managing a woman for 2-3 years. Guys with really strong frames might get 5 good years out of longer term relationships. Both married and non-married guys with relationships longer than 5 years are experiencing less than optimal relational conditions. Women get bored and aren't sexually desiring their men anymore. So if you're out and meet a normie (likely a normie sports bro) and he's been in the same relationship for 2-3+ years, his relationship likely stinks despite what the external appearances are, both in the real world and on social media.

The unattached and marginally attached normie sports bros are pissed that they aren't getting laid regularly enough. They are trying to feel better about themselves by drinking alcohol, simping for e-thots on Instagram/OnlyFans, and simping for athlete males and athletic team owners by watching college and pro sports.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
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If anyone says it’s a beta thing to do, youre obviously clueless at how many women love it too, hence a great opportunity to pull some ass.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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If anyone says it’s a beta thing to do, youre obviously clueless at how many women love it too, hence a great opportunity to pull some ass.
Watching football or any other sport is not a great opportunity to pull some ass. I'll give some examples below.

Before I get to the examples, I'll point out that most women at games at the stadium/arena or watching games on TV are doing so with their husbands and boyfriends.

One of the more frustrating experiences I've had was trying to do approaches at alumni game watching events for my undergrad alma mater. I found that at these game watching events, female alums were not able to concentrate long enough to have a meaningful conversation that would lead to a date/number exchange or same night sex. I stopped going to alumni game watching events and then only went to alumni events not centered around sports watching. In theory, alumni events are supposed to be easy pickings for finding dates. They can be if you go to the right alumni events. I'd rather do approaches at non-sports watching alumni events than do stranger approaches in any bar or any non-bar venue. I'm way more likely to get a date/number exchange at an alumni event. The problem is that there are so few alumni events now. Even before the pandemic, there were maybe 1-3 non-sports watching alumni events per year for my undergrad alma mater's local chapter. I haven't been to an alumni event since prior to the pandemic. My undergrad alumni local chapter only had 2 non-sports events in 2022. I didn't attend either of them and it's good that I didn't because they were poorly attended with no attractive women.

Super Bowl parties in my social circle became very couples oriented and unpleasant when I wasn't in a couple.

A Super Bowl 48 in February 2014 party was the last good one in my local area social circle simply because there were no girlfriends there. Few people in my social circle were in relationships then. The ones that were in relationships at that time either did not attend that year's party or didn't bring their girlfriends mainly because the relationship was rather new. Fast forward one year to Super Bowl 49 in February 2015 and all the dynamics changed. All the guys were bringing girlfriends and all Super Bowl parties in my social circle from that point forward became romantic relationship litmus tests. Some of the girlfriends (later wives) in my social circle are biatches. Additionally, there were 2 intense male battles for certain girlfriends in the circle, creating some messy dynamics within the group. The presence of the girlfriends irked me. They didn't need to be there. They could have done some girly thing that day, like having a girly get together where they talked fashion or something else.

Having a Super Bowl party become a romantic relationship litmus test seems rather unpleasant. I stopped going to our social circle's Super Bowl parties and eventually the circle stopped having them. The Patriots-Rams Super Bowl (53) in 2019 was the last one the social circle had due to relocations and people somewhat self-isolating, not due to pandemic, but due to become more self-absorbed in the trappings of bougie suburban life (single family houses, dogs, etc). I didn't even watch the most recent Super Bowl (56). It was so good not to watch a Super Bowl and not be a normie sports bro. I don't expect to watch Super Bowl 57 in February 2023.
Mar 9, 2021
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Smh you guys.Most men are beta males,regardless of how they spend their time.If you like football,watch football.It’s not a big deal.
If anyone says it’s a beta thing to do, youre obviously clueless at how many women love it too, hence a great opportunity to pull some ass.
Yeah, the biggest pro is that a lot of people watch and follow football, so it does boost your social skills and social availability. The cons are still pretty bad though, so that's why I made the topic lol. I also know plenty of hopeless dudes that are also the biggest sports bros that can name the fourth strings and potential practice squad contenders for their NFL team. I saw what @SW15 said, but most of the women you will meet at these events outside college, are going to be in relationships or marriages. I remember I decided to go to alumni watch party event in my city and I was the only single guy there. Your single girl is more than likely having girl time with girlfriends or doing something else rather than going to a sports game.

Being a normie sports bro is a complete waste of time. You get nothing out of it. It is idolatry of quasi alpha males who don't exactly give a shiit about you personally. If you ever met a pro athlete in public, he would not be your friend and he'd try to undermine you in seducing women at a bar. Also, you're making some rich people even richer (pro sports team owners).
I hate how being a sports bro is seen as a masculine trait too. I think it is one of the most emasculating things a man can do actually other than go drag lol.

College sports are an even bigger waste than pro sports. The whole environment around college sports are messed up. Basketball and football contribute almost nothing to broader knowledge. It's a shame when a university is more known for its football and basketball teams than the achievements of its academic departments, which is often the case at larger public universities. It is good that Harvard and Yale are more known for their business, law, and medicine academic programs than their sports teams.
I feel you, I made my college/major of study choice on football & partying more so than academics & achievements. This is biggest mistake I have ever made and I deeply regret it.

Most normie sports bros are not having a great time in life. The married ones and the guys in LTRs might look like they are having a good time, but they are not. Most men in LTRs longer than about 2-3 years are seeing diminished sexual frequency. This is because women, without the restraint of religion and other cultural forces, are designed to be short term monogamous. They are not designed to be long term monogamous. The more beta-ish males can do ok managing a woman for 2-3 years. Guys with really strong frames might get 5 good years out of longer term relationships. Both married and non-married guys with relationships longer than 5 years are experiencing less than optimal relational conditions. Women get bored and aren't sexually desiring their men anymore. So if you're out and meet a normie (likely a normie sports bro) and he's been in the same relationship for 2-3+ years, his relationship likely stinks despite what the external appearances are, both in the real world and on social media.
All of my normie friends have their sex die down fast within relationships and complain. They either deal with it and see it as what it is or hop from relationship-to-relationship rinse and repeating the process. I find it cringe to watch dudes obsess over football, so imagine how a woman feels about her partner acting like a literal child over a bunch of guys in tight jeans. I will go and watch games whenever there's a decent one on, but it is hard not to let it emotionally take over you like it does with most normie sports bro men.
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Sep 10, 2014
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It's a national obsession in the US the same way soccer is in the rest of the world or hockey is in Canada.

So much so the out of the highest 100 rated shows in the entire year, 75 of them were NFL football games.

The Super Bowl is the most watched event in the world.

This is a silly post.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
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Watching football or any other sport is not a great opportunity to pull some ass. I'll give some examples below.

Before I get to the examples, I'll point out that most women at games at the stadium/arena or watching games on TV are doing so with their husbands and boyfriends.

One of the more frustrating experiences I've had was trying to do approaches at alumni game watching events for my undergrad alma mater. I found that at these game watching events, female alums were not able to concentrate long enough to have a meaningful conversation that would lead to a date/number exchange or same night sex. I stopped going to alumni game watching events and then only went to alumni events not centered around sports watching. In theory, alumni events are supposed to be easy pickings for finding dates. They can be if you go to the right alumni events. I'd rather do approaches at non-sports watching alumni events than do stranger approaches in any bar or any non-bar venue. I'm way more likely to get a date/number exchange at an alumni event. The problem is that there are so few alumni events now. Even before the pandemic, there were maybe 1-3 non-sports watching alumni events per year for my undergrad alma mater's local chapter. I haven't been to an alumni event since prior to the pandemic. My undergrad alumni local chapter only had 2 non-sports events in 2022. I didn't attend either of them and it's good that I didn't because they were poorly attended with no attractive women.

Super Bowl parties in my social circle became very couples oriented and unpleasant when I wasn't in a couple.

A Super Bowl 48 in February 2014 party was the last good one in my local area social circle simply because there were no girlfriends there. Few people in my social circle were in relationships then. The ones that were in relationships at that time either did not attend that year's party or didn't bring their girlfriends mainly because the relationship was rather new. Fast forward one year to Super Bowl 49 in February 2015 and all the dynamics changed. All the guys were bringing girlfriends and all Super Bowl parties in my social circle from that point forward became romantic relationship litmus tests. Some of the girlfriends (later wives) in my social circle are biatches. Additionally, there were 2 intense male battles for certain girlfriends in the circle, creating some messy dynamics within the group. The presence of the girlfriends irked me. They didn't need to be there. They could have done some girly thing that day, like having a girly get together where they talked fashion or something else.

Having a Super Bowl party become a romantic relationship litmus test seems rather unpleasant. I stopped going to our social circle's Super Bowl parties and eventually the circle stopped having them. The Patriots-Rams Super Bowl (53) in 2019 was the last one the social circle had due to relocations and people somewhat self-isolating, not due to pandemic, but due to become more self-absorbed in the trappings of bougie suburban life (single family houses, dogs, etc). I didn't even watch the most recent Super Bowl (56). It was so good not to watch a Super Bowl and not be a normie sports bro. I don't expect to watch Super Bowl 57 in February 2023.
Disagree 1 million percent. I’ve pulled so many chicks at games, sports bars, social gaming with sports watching as the main event. Those are the exact type of women I chase because my 3 previous exes were all about watch parties and I had so much fun with them. My friends wife is a huge football fan and is a big reason he married her. In fact he proposed to her while at a game.
You’re not doing something right.
Mar 9, 2021
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Disagree 1 million percent. I’ve pulled so many chicks at games, sports bars, social gaming with sports watching as the main event. Those are the exact type of women I chase because my 3 previous exes were all about watch parties and I had so much fun with them. My friends wife is a huge football fan and is a big reason he married her. In fact he proposed to her while at a game.
You’re not doing something right.
Was this in college? Were these opportunities made through social circle game via sports events? That makes such a difference vs telling a guy to BDubs during a football game and searching for pvssy.

Travel memoir21

Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2020
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Rio Grande Valley, Texas
Nothing wrong with watching Football, aslong as you're not obsessed with it.

It's far better to play sports than watch it. I recently played pick up basketball with my brother's friends 2 days ago. It was a great workout even though I haven't played basketball in a long time.