Hey all,
A girl asked to swap numbers on my last day at work. (I now work at another job).
I have been chatting to her over WhatsApp. (I know now a big mistake, hence no longer do so). Over WhatsApp it seems to be going great. For example, when asking her to let me know when she is available she responds "Okay. I'll give you some of my available dates soon" with a thumbs up and smiley face. Other times she text me when I didn't make a date when available by saying "Yes, should have done it for this week. I am off" with a flushed emoji. I then ask her when she is next available and she says "off from the 7th Jan". I then make a joke and say "great. I get paid that week." She replies "Make sure you put some aside for out evening out." So I left it by saying "let me know when you are next free." She replies "I will. I will" with a happy face emoji. In addition, her friend when pissed blurted out to this girl "he fancies you. And when you go out, it is a date." To which this girl replied "well if it is a date, I'll have to look nice."
Hopefully, there is SOME interest on her part with the above interactions.
So I have planned to take her out next Saturday. But I need advice and I have the following dilemmas:
1). Where I am taking her is a little like an activities park. There is bowling, pool/snooker, arcade amusement, and restaurants. I am unsure as to make it a three activities date - in other words, bowling then pool followed by amusement arcade. Some guys recommend three activities fun date. Any advice?
2). Should we meet there or should I pick her up at hers? It would appear she is of the belief that we will meet there.
3). How do I act around her to increase her attraction?
4). What topics do I talk about, and not talk about?
5). Do I need to be funny? Our WhatsApp exchanges she seems to find me funny.
6). Do I talk a lot or little on the date? In other words, do I let her do all the talking? I am naturally introverted and usually let them do all the talking. Sometimes this has worked and increased their sexual interest. Others meh.
7). Do I go in forn this kiss on the first date? AMS says he wouldn't, as you want her unsure of your interest.
8). Do I need to initiate touching on the first date? For example, my arm on her lower back as if to guy her, or grab her hand when waling places. Basically, touching.
9). Any other advice which I have not accounted for above.
A girl asked to swap numbers on my last day at work. (I now work at another job).
I have been chatting to her over WhatsApp. (I know now a big mistake, hence no longer do so). Over WhatsApp it seems to be going great. For example, when asking her to let me know when she is available she responds "Okay. I'll give you some of my available dates soon" with a thumbs up and smiley face. Other times she text me when I didn't make a date when available by saying "Yes, should have done it for this week. I am off" with a flushed emoji. I then ask her when she is next available and she says "off from the 7th Jan". I then make a joke and say "great. I get paid that week." She replies "Make sure you put some aside for out evening out." So I left it by saying "let me know when you are next free." She replies "I will. I will" with a happy face emoji. In addition, her friend when pissed blurted out to this girl "he fancies you. And when you go out, it is a date." To which this girl replied "well if it is a date, I'll have to look nice."
Hopefully, there is SOME interest on her part with the above interactions.
So I have planned to take her out next Saturday. But I need advice and I have the following dilemmas:
1). Where I am taking her is a little like an activities park. There is bowling, pool/snooker, arcade amusement, and restaurants. I am unsure as to make it a three activities date - in other words, bowling then pool followed by amusement arcade. Some guys recommend three activities fun date. Any advice?
2). Should we meet there or should I pick her up at hers? It would appear she is of the belief that we will meet there.
3). How do I act around her to increase her attraction?
4). What topics do I talk about, and not talk about?
5). Do I need to be funny? Our WhatsApp exchanges she seems to find me funny.
6). Do I talk a lot or little on the date? In other words, do I let her do all the talking? I am naturally introverted and usually let them do all the talking. Sometimes this has worked and increased their sexual interest. Others meh.
7). Do I go in forn this kiss on the first date? AMS says he wouldn't, as you want her unsure of your interest.
8). Do I need to initiate touching on the first date? For example, my arm on her lower back as if to guy her, or grab her hand when waling places. Basically, touching.
9). Any other advice which I have not accounted for above.