Pierce Manhammer
Been reading some chick forums and look at this gem of a post. They call it “multitasking” or “multidating”. Can’t make this **** up! And then they wonder why guys won’t commit to them.
We often debate women’s strategies or omissions when we’re getting to know them, geeesh.
The moment I stopped evaluating him is the moment he lost interest and I got hurt
We went on probably 4 high effort dates, he started losing interest after the 4th but we ended up on 7 ish before I asked him where we stood and he called it off. Up until date 3 I was multidating but had to break it off because the other guy wanted to be exclusive, I wasn't sure about him, and I didn't want to stop seeing this one. My energy shifted after that in the sense that I now focused all my energy on this guy who even from the beginning when I was evaluating I was concerned he was less communicative than the other one. I now went from being more elusive and communicative since I had high standards as to when I was taking calls and didn't care if he dropped off to consistent and clearly excited to see him. I noticed a change in energy almost immediately. It also put me in a position where I started missing red flags and overlooking signs of losing interest. If I were multidating I would have let him drop off the face of the earth, but once I got invested I prolonged it by reaching out to him occasionally. I still tried to follow most fds rules and he initiated more than I did but there was a drop off in enthusiasm, prioritization of me, and consistency from before. He even admitted to me he wasn't prioritizing me and tried to step up but when I asked him where we stood he admitted he was just too busy to and I deserve better and it ended. And I got hurt. Bad.
Anyways probably for the best because a guy shouldn't be testing your boundaries anyways and there were red flags like inviting himself to my place to make out the 4th and 5th date (to be fair he didn't try for sex but it's just weird and rude), and saying he had no social media and never had social media when I found him on Instagram and a hidden Facebook with pictures of his ex still up. I brushed it off as an old account and he barely followed anyone but multidating me would not have tried to rationalize that at all. Probably he wasn't even over his ex and just dating to try and get over her.
Ladies never try to hold onto a man who is changing their communication style on you. Best case scenario they got busy (his excuse) worst case scenerio they lost interest. I don't think the issue was me reaching out to confirm plans or occasionally calling him but that I stopped evaluating his level of effort and got burned.
We often debate women’s strategies or omissions when we’re getting to know them, geeesh.
The moment I stopped evaluating him is the moment he lost interest and I got hurt
We went on probably 4 high effort dates, he started losing interest after the 4th but we ended up on 7 ish before I asked him where we stood and he called it off. Up until date 3 I was multidating but had to break it off because the other guy wanted to be exclusive, I wasn't sure about him, and I didn't want to stop seeing this one. My energy shifted after that in the sense that I now focused all my energy on this guy who even from the beginning when I was evaluating I was concerned he was less communicative than the other one. I now went from being more elusive and communicative since I had high standards as to when I was taking calls and didn't care if he dropped off to consistent and clearly excited to see him. I noticed a change in energy almost immediately. It also put me in a position where I started missing red flags and overlooking signs of losing interest. If I were multidating I would have let him drop off the face of the earth, but once I got invested I prolonged it by reaching out to him occasionally. I still tried to follow most fds rules and he initiated more than I did but there was a drop off in enthusiasm, prioritization of me, and consistency from before. He even admitted to me he wasn't prioritizing me and tried to step up but when I asked him where we stood he admitted he was just too busy to and I deserve better and it ended. And I got hurt. Bad.
Anyways probably for the best because a guy shouldn't be testing your boundaries anyways and there were red flags like inviting himself to my place to make out the 4th and 5th date (to be fair he didn't try for sex but it's just weird and rude), and saying he had no social media and never had social media when I found him on Instagram and a hidden Facebook with pictures of his ex still up. I brushed it off as an old account and he barely followed anyone but multidating me would not have tried to rationalize that at all. Probably he wasn't even over his ex and just dating to try and get over her.
Ladies never try to hold onto a man who is changing their communication style on you. Best case scenario they got busy (his excuse) worst case scenerio they lost interest. I don't think the issue was me reaching out to confirm plans or occasionally calling him but that I stopped evaluating his level of effort and got burned.